Disturbances in interaction between the immune and neuroendocrine system under stress, chronic fatigue syndrome and the means for their correction

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The authors are analyzing literature data and the results of their own investigations in the area of studying cellular-molecular (including signaling) mechanisms of the development of experimental stress reaction and chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as the possibility for their correction by means of short synthetic peptides and preparation of native DNA. The conception suggesting that mechanisms of disturbances in interaction between the immune and neuroendocrine systems during stress and chronic fatigue syndrome are not identical and result from changes in the level of functional activity of the neuroendocrine system, the activity of immune-competent cells and the intensity of cytokine signal transduction via the sp//ngomyelin pathway has been experimentally substantiated. The analysis of correcting effects of peptides vilon, epitalon, cortagen and preparation Derinat on disturbed functions of the neuroendocrine and immune systems caused by the action of stressing factors and agents inducing chronic fatigue development has been performed.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Rybakina E.G., Shanin S.N., Fomicheva E.E., Kozinets I.A., Filatenkova T.A., Dmitrienko E.V.

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