Structural changes in the Russian pharmaceutical market of anti-tb drugs

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In Russia, the epidemic situation for tuberculosis has stabilized with a tendency to improvement, according to the dynamics of the main indicators for the disease. However, the problem of tuberculosis infection is still far from being resolved, which is largely due to the development of drug resistance of the infectious agent to the main anti-TB drugs.

The purpose of the study is to form macro-structures of the Russian market of anti-TB drugs for 2008 and 2018 and analyze the dynamics of their structural changes.

Materials and methods. The State registers of medicines of the Russian Federation for 2008 and 2018 were analyzed. Into account were taken following characteristics of the range: the number of registered anti-TB drugs, dosage forms, dosages, manufacturers, and the number of combined anti-TB drugs. The necessary data was obtained using the content analysis method. The results of the study allowed us to build macro-structures of the Russian market of anti-TB drugs and compare the indicators in the dynamics over 10 years.

Results. Over the past 10 years, about 500 anti-TB drugs have been registered and re-registered in the Russian Federation. The range of the selected segment was supplemented by the 3rd new series, which according to 2018 included 166 (30.0%) drugs, taking into account all dosage forms and dosages. The group of anti-TB drugs of the 2nd series in 2018 was the leader in the selected segment (52.2%) and there was a tendency for its growth. In the structure of the assortment of medicinal forms of anti-TB drugs, tablet drugs prevailed (43.5%). The production vector has shifted towards domestic manufacturers. The share of new drugs put into circulation in 2008-2018 was 37%. The nomenclature of the Russian anti-TB market corresponds to international recommendations and contains the main groups of drugs.

Conclusion. Analysis of the segment of anti-TB drugs in the domestic pharmaceutical market showed that the phthisiological service has a sufficient range of drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis infection, including those with drug resistance of the pathogen. This allows to personalize therapy based on the stage and severity of the disease, the functional characteristics of the patient’s body, and the sensitivity of the pathogen to chemotherapy.

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About the authors

Natalia E. Usacheva

Smolensk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Assistant of the Pharmacology Department

Russian Federation, Smolensk

Vasiliy E. Novikov

Smolensk State Medical University


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Pharmacology Department

Russian Federation, Smolensk

Tatyana V. Myakisheva

Smolensk State Medical University


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Phthisiopulmonology Department

Russian Federation, Smolensk

Nadezhda A. Pavluchenkova

Smolensk State Medical University


Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Economy of Pharmacy

Russian Federation, Smolensk

Elena V. Trun

Smolensk State Medical University


Assistant of the Phthisiopulmonology Department

Russian Federation, Smolensk


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Copyright (c) 2020 Usacheva N.E., Novikov V.E., Myakisheva T.V., Pavluchenkova N.A., Trun E.V.

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