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As clinical test material we studied the blood serum taken from clinically healthy animals (the control group) and animals with chronic inflammation of the connective tissue in an ankle joint (the experimental group). To study the antioxidant protection system enzyme component condition in cows we examined the following: catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity (as a substrate we used hydrogen dioxide and glutathione reductase), ferroxidase activity of ceruloplasmin, superoxide dismutase activity. A spectrocolorimeter «Specol 210» was used to determine the solutions absorbancy. The results shows the breakdown of membrane-bounded enzymes activity (such as glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase). These enzymes characterize the antioxidant protection system condition. It is essential to examine the antioxidant protection system condition in animals with chronic inflammation of the connective tissue in an ankle joint to enrich our knowledge about the mechanism of metabolic disorder at this type of pathology, as well as to treat and correct possible complications.

About the authors

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Nadein

Irinovskoye ltd.

Can. of Vet. Science


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