Neuropeptide vasopressin and memory process

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The contemporary information about participation of neuropeptide arginin-vasopressin and its receptors in memory processes in normal and pathology processes both in animals and human beings are present in this review. The own investigational results about influence of agonist of V2 receptors of vasopressin on verbal memory and learning at patients with stroke are added too.

About the authors

Svetlana Georgiyevna Belokoskova

Institute of Experimental Medicine, NWB RAMS

PhD (Medicine)

Sergey Georgiyevich Tsikunov

Institute of Experimental Medicine, NWB RAMS

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head, Laboratory of Psychophysiology of Emotions


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Copyright (c) 2014 Belokoskova S.G., Tsikunov S.G.

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