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卷 24, 编号 4 (2020)



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Original studies


Kuznetsova O., Lubimova A., Ovakimyan K., Zamyatina O., Donetskov N.



该研究的目的是在隔离观察期间评估一种新型冠状病毒感染在North-western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov的学生中的临床过程特征。

材料与方法。这项研究是在North-western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov医学观察站进行的。那里的学生接触过新型冠状病毒感染者,有轻度症状,也有急性呼吸道疾病的临床表现。2020年4月21日至8月31日转入隔离的所有学生均有流行病学和临床病历资料。作为前瞻性研究的一部分,所有参与者在隔离3个月后,都被要求通过电话完成一份健康量表(EQ-5D)。

结果。这项研究包括113名参与者:45.1%的男性(= 51)和54.9%的女性(= 62)。调查对象平均年龄为22.4±2.5岁。在进行多变量分析时,发现性别、年龄、所属人种语言群体和慢性疾病不是与COVID-19发生相关的可靠因素。前瞻性研究结果显示,COVID-19康复患者与普通患者在回答疾病急性期3个月后持续不适或疼痛的问题时,差异有统计学意义(< 0.05)。

Russian Family Doctor. 2020;24(4):5-12
pages 5-12 views


伊琳娜·莫伊謝娃 I., Turusheva A.


North-western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov家庭医学科进行了一项研究,目的是研究全科医生、住院医生和学生对疫苗接种的态度。

材料与方法。调查对象包括22名学生、14名住院医师和21名全科医师。问卷内容包括自评预防接种知识水平、对预防接种的态度、对预防接种有效性的看法等。采用SPSS 20.0(SPSS Inc.,Chicago,IL,美国)和MedCalc 11.5.00(MedCalc Software, Oostende)进行统计分析。采用卡方检验评估组间差异。

结果与讨论。61%的参与者认为他们自己在疫苗预防领域的知识水平是良好,21%是满意的,5%是优秀的。学生对自己的知识水平最有信心,住院医师排在第二位,医生排在第三位p < 0.05)。90%的受访者认为他们对接种疫苗的态度是积极的。95.5%的学生、85.7%的住院医师和76.2%的医生认为接种疫苗是必要的(强制性的)。86%的参与者认为接种疫苗的有效性很高。受访者是否为自己和子女接种疫苗时,大多数人选择了“是,在国家日历范围内加上额外剂次疫苗”和“在国家日历范围内”两个答案(分别为51%和39%)。


Russian Family Doctor. 2020;24(4):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Opinion of students of medical university on methods of contraception and prevention of unwanted pregnancy

Lebedev A., Redka E., Bugay A., Lunenkova E., Sokolova M.


The article analyzes an opinion of 6th grade of young women, the 6th grade medicine students, on the topic of using contraceptive methods for preventing unwanted pregnancy.

In the North-Western State University named after I.I. Mechnikov an anonymous poll was conducted by filling specially prepared questionnaires, that included 29 questions and informed consent for using the results of the survey in scientific research. The study included an opinion of 300 6th grade students with the age 22 to 33 years.

The results of the survey about the most frequently used contraception methods by 6th grade students was provided as well as the purpose of using certain modern types of contraception, the awareness of students about the chosen methods of contraception.

Russian Family Doctor. 2020;24(4):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Theory and practice

Heuristics, language and medical errors

Graber M.


The use of heuristics, cognitive “rules of thumb” or “shortcuts”, are a common part of medical decision making. While using heuristics lessens the cognitive burden of decision making and often comes up with the correct answer, reliance on heuristics can also lead to medical errors. In this introduction we will define heuristics and discuss some of the more common heuristics/biases that may lead to biased decision making and patient harm. We will also look at the use of language in medicine and how that can lead us to make diagnostic errors.

Russian Family Doctor. 2020;24(4):25-30
pages 25-30 views


Results of the conference with international participation “Respiratory diseases in general practice”

奥尔加·库兹涅佐娃 O.尤.


The article provides information about the conference with international participation “Respiratory diseases in general medical practice”, which was held on-line on the webinar.ru platform on October 14, 2020. The main provisions of the reports included in the program of this event are presented.

Russian Family Doctor. 2020;24(4):31-38
pages 31-38 views

School on HIV infection for future doctors of various specialties Vera HIV med school: importance and value for a young doctor

Abitova I.


The article presents a brief overview of the materials received by the author in September 2020 at the School “HIV infection for future doctors of various specialties” (Moscow), in which she participated as a resident of the Department of Family Medicine of the North-Western State Medical University named I.I. Mechnikov. The goal of the School is to raise the awareness of young doctors on the topic of HIV infection and reduce the level of discrimination against people living with HIV in the health sector.

Russian Family Doctor. 2020;24(4):39-44
pages 39-44 views


In memory of Professor Vladislav Polikarpovich Medvedev


In November 2020, Professor Vladislav Polikarpovich Medvedev, our colleague, teacher, friend, passed away.

Russian Family Doctor. 2020;24(4):45-45
pages 45-45 views
