The transformation and genome editing of Pisum sativum: protocols and their modifications

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Pea (Pisum sativum) is an important agricultural crop and a model object in various fields of plant research. At the same time, the genetic modification of pea is still a difficult task, which, apparently, is associated with its low ability to regenerate. There are a lot of different pea transformation protocols, however, for most of them, the transformation efficiency, i.e. the number of transgenic plants per explant, is extremely low. In addition, none of the protocols known to us has demonstrated itself to be universal, i.e. suitable for all varieties and lines of peas. We searched for studies on the transformation and regeneration of peas and systematized the data obtained. The resulting database made it possible to identify the most effective protocols for the transformation and regeneration of P. sativum, as well as to analyze statistically the general features of the methods used, such as the source of the explant, the composition of the culture media, the duration of cultivation, and so on. We assume that our system for the analysis of publications devoted to in vitro cell cultures can also be used for similar data on other plant species.

This research was supported by the Sirius University of Science and Technology project: PBB-RND-2243.

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Pea (Pisum sativum) is an important agricultural crop and a model object in various fields of plant research. At the same time, the genetic modification of pea is still a difficult task, which, apparently, is associated with its low ability to regenerate. There are a lot of different pea transformation protocols, however, for most of them, the transformation efficiency, i.e. the number of transgenic plants per explant, is extremely low. In addition, none of the protocols known to us has demonstrated itself to be universal, i.e. suitable for all varieties and lines of peas. We searched for studies on the transformation and regeneration of peas and systematized the data obtained. The resulting database made it possible to identify the most effective protocols for the transformation and regeneration of P. sativum, as well as to analyze statistically the general features of the methods used, such as the source of the explant, the composition of the culture media, the duration of cultivation, and so on. We assume that our system for the analysis of publications devoted to in vitro cell cultures can also be used for similar data on other plant species.

This research was supported by the Sirius University of Science and Technology project: PBB-RND-2243.


About the authors

Varvara E. Tvorogova

Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0549-1457

phd, senior researcher, department of genetics and biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Elina A. Potsenkovskaia

Sirius University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5045-2641

specialist in plant biology and biotechnology

Russian Federation, Sochi

Elena P. Efremova

Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2565-1155

student in biology, department of genetics and biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Nikolai V. Kozlov

Saint Petersburg State University


student, department of genetics and biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Veronika Y. Simonova

Sirius University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9037-4684


Russian Federation, Sochi

Elizaveta Y. Krasnoperova

Saint Petersburg State University


student in biology, department of genetics and biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Zakhar S. Konstantinov

Sirius University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0825-9418


Russian Federation, Sochi

Daria V. Yakovleva

Saint Petersburg State University

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Anastasiya M. Artemiuk

Saint Petersburg State University

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Ludmila A. Lutova

Saint Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6125-0757

dr. sci. (biol.), professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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