Hairy roots biochemical characteristics of vegetable pea’s morphotype with modified leaf

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Data on the successful production of high-protein root transformants of P. sativum with the tl and af tl genes are not presented in the literature. Rol genes clarification of transformed pea mutant lines by wild strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes and amino acid analysis of the total protein of the obtained roots cultures were objectives of the research. Methods:Total DNA has been isolated from pea mutant root cultures. The studies were carried out on the equipment of the thermal cycler "Tertsik" of the company "DNA-Technology" (Russia). Amplicons were detected by electrophoresis in a 2% agarose gel. The gel was visualized and photographed under ultraviolet light (λ=312 nm). The quantitative and qualitative amino acid composition of root cultures was determined by ion exchange chromatography on the amino acid analyzer AAA-339 "Microtechna" (Czech Republic). Results: PCR analysis revealed the absence of agrobacterial contamination in the transformed cultures and their stable growth on liquid and agar hormone-free media for 5 years. PCR assay showed the presence of rol C and D genes in culture with the tl genes and four rol genes A, B, C, and D in culture with af tl genes. A differentiated content of a number of amino acids in the biomass of transformed cultures was found depending on the genotype of the culture and the insertion of rol genes. Seven essential amino acids were identified in both cultures. Tryptophan turned out to be the limiting essential amino acid for both cultures. Conclusions: In terms of the sum of essential, ketogenic and sulfur-containing amino acids, the culture with the afaftltl genotype with rol genes A, B, C, and D  turned out to be the richest and most balanced.

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About the authors

Olga Timina

Taras Shevchenko Transdnistrian State University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 7758-9906

Doctor of Biological Sciences,

Professor, Faculty of Natural Geography, Department of Botany and Ecology

Moldova, Republic of, 3300, Moldova (Pridnestrovie), Tiraspol, 25 October str., 128

Oleg Timin

Government agency "Republical scientific reseach institute of ecology"

SPIN-code: 6471-1117

Cheif of laboratory "Protection and restoration phytocenosises", candidate of agricultural sciences, dotсent 

Moldova, Republic of, 3200, Moldova (Pridnestrovie), Bendery, Kahovskii tupik, 2.

Anna Stepanova

Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN-code: 6895-2705

candidate of biological sciences, transformation roots chief group, senior staff scientist

Russian Federation, 127276, Russia, Moscow, Botanical str., 35


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