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Настоящая статья посвящена автономной изменчивости. Показано, что изменчивость этого типа обусловлена сугубо стохастическими молекулярными процессами, а потому не может быть сведена ни к наследственной, ни к онтогенетической, ни к моди-фикационной. Рассмотрены примеры автономной изменчивости у животных и растений. Обсуждаются возможные механизмы данной изменчивости

Об авторах

Олег Николаевич Тиходеев

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, РФ

Email: tikhodeyev@mail.ru

Татьяна Викторовна Журина

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, РФ

Список литературы

  1. Астауров Б.Л. Исследование наследственного изменения гальтеров у Drosophila melanogaster Schin. II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А, 1927. -Т. 3, -Вып. 1-2. -С. 1-61.
  2. Астауров Б.Л. Генетика и проблемы индивидуального развития//Онтогенез. -1972. -Т. 3, N 6. -С. 547-565.
  3. Бабков В.В. Московская школа эволюционной генетики//М: Наука, 1985. -216 с.
  4. Беляев Н.К. Экспериментальное исследование изменчивости окраски гусениц Spilosoma lubricipeda Esp. (Arctiidae, Lepidoptera) II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А. -1926. -Т. 2. -Вып. 4. -С. 157-219,249-251.
  5. Жимулев И.Ф. Общая и молекулярная генетика//Новосибирск: Издательство Новосибирского университета, Сибирское университетское издательство, 2002. -458 с.
  6. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г. Генетика с основами селекции. -М.: Высшая школа, 1989. -592 с.
  7. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г., Миронова Л.Н., Аленин В.В., Борхсениус А.С. Прионы, синтез белка и клеточный цикл//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология -Вып. 4. -С. 53-71.
  8. Корочкин Л.И. Введение в генетику развития. -М.: Наука. -1999. -253 с.
  9. Лутова Л.А., Проворов Н.А., Тиходеев О.Н., Тихонович И.А., ХоджайоваЛ. Т., Шишкова С.О. Генетика развития растений//СПб.: Наука. -2000. -539 с.
  10. Тимофеев-Ресовский Н.В. О фенотипическом проявлении генотипа. -I. Геновариация radius incompletus у Drosophilajunebris II Журн. эксп. биол. -1925. -Серия А. -Т. 1. -Вып. 3-4. -С. 93-142.
  11. Тиходеев О.Н., Тиходеева М.Ю. Изменчивость цветка в природных популяциях седмичника европейского (Trientalis europaea L.)//Экология. -2001. -N 3. -С. 225-230.
  12. Тихонович И.А., Ходжайова Л.Т. Молекулярно-генетические аспекты взаимодействия растений и микроорганизмов//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология. -Вып. 4. -С. 43-52.
  13. Филипченко Ю.А. Изменчивость и методы ее изучения. -Л.: Наука, 1929. -260 с.
  14. Шмальгаузен И.И. Факторы эволюции (теория стабилизирующего отбора). -М: Изд-во АН СССР, 1946. -396 с.
  15. Astauroff B.L. Analyse der erblichen Storungsfalle der bilateralen Symmetrie im Zusammenhang mit der selbstandigen Variabilitat anlicher Strukturen//Ztschr. f. inductive Abstammungs und Verebungslehre, 1930. -Bd. 55. -Heft 3. -S. 183-262.
  16. Ayala F.J. & Kiger J.A. Jr. Modern Genetics. Second edition//London, Amsterdam, Ontario, Sydney: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1984.
  17. Blake W.J., KaernM., CantorC.R., Collins J.J. Noise in eukaryotic gene expression//Nature. -2003. -Vol. 422, N 6932. -P. 633-637.
  18. Bradshaw A.D. Evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity in plants//Adv. Genet. -1965. -Vol. 13-P. 115-155.
  19. Callahan H.S., Pigliucci M. & Schlichting CD. Developmental phenotypic plasticity: where ecology and evolution meet molecular biology//BioEssays, 1997. -Vol. 19, N 6. -P. 519-525.
  20. Charlier С V.L. A statistical description of Trientalis europaea//Arkiv Bot. -1913. -Vol. 12, N 14. -P. 1-28.
  21. Chen Z.J. & PikaardCS. Epigenetic silencing of RNA polymerase I transcription: A role for DNA methylation and histone modification in nucleolar dominance//Gen. Dev. -1997. -Vol. 11, N 16. -P. 2124-2136.
  22. CookS.A. & Johnson M.P. Adaptation to heterogenous environments. I. Variation in heterophylly in Ranunculus flammula L.//Evolution. -1968. -Vol. 22, N 3. -P. 496-516.
  23. Ehrlich M. Expression of various genes is controlled by DNA methylation during mammalian development//J. Cell. Biochem. -2003. -Vol. 88, N 5. -P. 899-910.
  24. Elowitz M.B., Levine A.J., Siggia E.D. & Swain P.S. Stochastic gene expression in a single cell//Science. -2002. -Vol. 297, N 5584. -P. 1183-1186.
  25. Fisher R.A. The possible modifications of the response of the wild type to recurrent mutations//Am. Nat. -1928. -Vol. 62. -P. 115-126.
  26. Funkhauser C & ChoryJ. Light control in plant development//Ann. Rev. Cell. Dev. Bio. -1997. -Vol. 13. -P. 203-229.
  27. Gibson G. & Wagner G. Canalization in evolutionary genetics: a stabilizing theory?//BioAssays. -2000. -Vol. 22, N 4. -P. 372-380.
  28. Gilbert S.F. Developmental Biology, 6th Edition//Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc. -2000. -695 p.
  29. Griffits A.J.F, Miller J.H., Suzuki D.T., LewontinR.C & Gelbart W.M. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. Fifth edition. -New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. -1993. -840 p.
  30. Harrington R. W Jr. 1968. Delimitation of the thermolabile phenocritical period of sex determination and sex differentiation in the ontogeny of the normally hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus//Physiol. Zool. -1968. -Vol. 41. -P. 447-460.
  31. Harvell C.D. The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses//Q. Rev. Biol. -1990. -Vol. 65. -P. 323-340.
  32. Hiirsalmi H. Trientalis europaea L. A study of the reproduction biology, ecology and variation in Finland//Annals Botanici Fenni-ci.-1969, -Vol. 6, N2-P. 119-173.
  33. Huang H. & Ma H. FON1, an arabidopsis gene that terminates floral meristem activity and controls flower organ number//The Plant Cell. -1997. -Vol. 9, N 2. -P. 115-134.
  34. Hume D. Probability in transcriptional regulation and its implication for leukocyte differentiation and inducible gene expression//Blood. -2000. -Vol. 96, N 7. -P. 2323-2328.
  35. Kakutani Т., ManukataK., Richards E.J. andHirochika H. Meiotically and mitotically stable inheritance of DNA hypomethylation induced by ddml mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana//Genetics. -1999. -Vol. 151, N2. -P. 831-838.
  36. Ко М. Induction mechanism of a single gene molecule//BioEssays. -1992. -Vol. 14, N 5. -P. 341-346.
  37. KronhamnJ., FreiE., DaubeM., JiaoR., Shi Y, NollM. & Rasmuson-Lestander A. Headless flies produced by mutations in the paralogous Рахб genes eyeless and twin of eyeless//Development. -2002. -Vol. 129, N4. -P. 1015-1026.
  38. Lee J.C. & Peter M.E. Regulation of apoptosis by ubiquitination//Immunol. Rev. -2003. -Vol. 193. -P. 39-47.
  39. Leyser H.M.O. & Furner I.J. Characterization of three shoot apical meristem mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana//Development. -1992. -Vol. 116, N2.-P. 397-403.
  40. Lulz F.E. Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila concerning evolution//Garnegie Inst. Publ. -1911. -N 143. -P. 1-35.
  41. McAdams H.H. & Arkin A. Stochastic mechanisms in gene expression//Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. -1997. -Vol. 94, N 3. -P. 814-819.
  42. Matthews J.R. andRogerJ.G. Variation in Trientalis europaea Linn.//J. Bot. -1941. -Vol. 79. -P. 80-83.
  43. Nijhout H.F Development and evolution of adaptive polyphenisms//Evol. Dev. -2003. -Vol. 5,N 1-P. 9-18.
  44. Paldi A. Stochastic gene expression during cell differentiation: order from disorder?//Cell Mol. Life Sci. -2003. -Vol. 60, N 9. -P. 1775-1778.
  45. Palauqui J.C, Elmayan Т., De Borne F.D., Crete P., Charles C, VaucheretH. Frequencies, timing, and spatial patterns of co-suppression of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase in transgenic tobacco plants//Plant Physiol. -1996. -Vol. 112, N 4. -P. 1447-1456.
  46. Petersen N.S. Effects of heat and chemical stress on development//Adv. Genet. -1990. -Vol. 28. -P. 275-296.
  47. Plunkett C.R. The interaction of genetic and environmental factors in development//J. Exper. Zool-1926. -Vol. 46, N2. -P. 181-244.
  48. Pratt W.B. The hsp90-based chaperone system: involvement in signal transduction from a variety of hormone and growth factor receptors//Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. -1998. -Vol. 217, N 4. -P. 420-434.
  49. Queitsch C, Songster ТА. & LindquistS. Hsp90 as a capacitor of phenotypic variation//Nature. -2002. -Vol. 417, N 6889. -P. 618-24.
  50. Richer K. & Buchner J. Hsp90: chaperoning signal transduction//J. Cell Physiol. -2001. -Vol. 188, N 3. -P. 281-290.
  51. RoeS.M., Prodromou C, O'Brien R., LadburyJ.E., Piper P.W. & Pearl L.H. Structural basis for inhibition of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone by the antitumor antibiotics radicicol and geldanomycin//J. Med. Chem. -1999. -Vol. 42,N2.-P. 260-266.
  52. Running MP, Fletcher J.C. & MeyerowitzE.M. The WIGGUM gene is required for proper regulation of floral meristem size in Arabidopsis//Development. -1998. -Vol. 125, N 14. -P. 2545-2553.
  53. RutherfordS.L. & Lindquist S. Hsp90 as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature. -1998. -Vol. 396, N 6709. -P. 336-342.
  54. Scharloo W. Canalization: genetic and developmental aspects//Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. -1991. -Vol. 22. -P. 65-93.
  55. Scroggins B.T., Prince T, ShaoJ, Uma S, Huang W., Guo Y, YunB.G., Hedman K., Matts R.L. & Hartson S.D. High affinity binding of Hsp90 is triggered by multiple discrete segments of its kinase clients//Biochemistry. -2003. -Vol. 42, N 43. -P. 12550-12561. 31.
  56. Soltars V, Lu X., Xiao 1., Wang X., Garfmkel M.D. & Ruden DM. Evidence for an epigenetic mechanism by which Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature Genet. -2003. -Vol. 33, N 1. -P. 70-74.
  57. Tikhodeyev O.N. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. Flower development in Trientalis europaea L.: The possible role of environment and stochastic events//Wulfenia. -2002. -Vol. 9. -P. 77-87.
  58. Tikhodeyev O.N., Neustroeva M.A. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. (+1) and (-1) deviations in development of floral meristems in Trientalis europaea L.//Wulfenia. -2003. -Vol. 10. -P. 103-114.
  59. Timofeeff-Ressovsky N. W. Studies on the phenotype manifestation of hereditary factors. I. On the phenotypie manifestation of the genova-riation radius incompletus in Drosophila funebris//Genetics. -1927-Vol. 12. -P. 128-198.
  60. Via S., Comulkiewic: R, de Jong G., Schemer S.M., Schlichting CD. & van TienderenRH. Adaptive phenotypie plasticity: consensus and controversy//Trends Ecol.Evol. -1995.-Vol. 10.N5. -P. 212-217.
  61. Waddington С. Canalization of development and the inheritance of acquired characters//Nature. -1942. -Vol. 396. -P. 336-342.
  62. Waddington С. The Strategy of the Genes: A Discussion of Some Aspects of Theoretical Biology//New York: MacMillan. -1957. -262 p.
  63. Walsh C.P. & Bestor Т.Н. Cytosine methylation and mammalian development//Genes Dev. -1999. -Vol. 13, N 1. -P. 26-34.
  64. Wool C.M. Influence of stochastic events on the phenotypie variation of common white leg marking in the Arabian horse: implication for various genetic disorders in humans//J. Hered. -1995. -Vol. 86, N2.-P. 129-135.
  65. Write S. The evolution of dominance//in: Evolution and Genetics of Populations. Vol. 3. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -1977. -P. 498-526.
  66. Young J.C., Moarefi 1. & HartlF.U. HSP90: a specialized but essential protein-folding tool//J. Cell Biol. -2001. -Vol. 154, N 2. -P. 267-274.
  67. ZluvovaJ., JanousekB. & VyskotB. Immunohistochemical study of DNA methylation dynamics during plant development//J. Exp. Bot. -2001. -Vol. 52, N 365. -P. 2265-2273.
  68. Астауров Б.Л. Исследование наследственного изменения гальтеров у Drosophila melanogaster Schin. II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А, 1927. -Т. 3, -Вып. 1-2. -С. 1-61.
  69. Астауров Б.Л. Генетика и проблемы индивидуального развития//Онтогенез. -1972. -Т. 3, N 6. -С. 547-565.
  70. Бабков В.В. Московская школа эволюционной генетики//М: Наука, 1985. -216 с.
  71. Беляев Н.К. Экспериментальное исследование изменчивости окраски гусениц Spilosoma lubricipeda Esp. (Arctiidae, Lepidoptera) II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А. -1926. -Т. 2. -Вып. 4. -С. 157-219,249-251.
  72. Жимулев И.Ф. Общая и молекулярная генетика//Новосибирск: Издательство Новосибирского университета, Сибирское университетское издательство, 2002. -458 с.
  73. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г. Генетика с основами селекции. -М.: Высшая школа, 1989. -592 с.
  74. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г., Миронова Л.Н., Аленин В.В., Борхсениус А.С. Прионы, синтез белка и клеточный цикл//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология -Вып. 4. -С. 53-71.
  75. Корочкин Л.И. Введение в генетику развития. -М.: Наука. -1999. -253 с.
  76. Лутова Л.А., Проворов Н.А., Тиходеев О.Н., Тихонович И.А., ХоджайоваЛ. Т., Шишкова С.О. Генетика развития растений//СПб.: Наука. -2000. -539 с.
  77. Тимофеев-Ресовский Н.В. О фенотипическом проявлении генотипа. -I. Геновариация radius incompletus у Drosophilajunebris II Журн. эксп. биол. -1925. -Серия А. -Т. 1. -Вып. 3-4. -С. 93-142.
  78. Тиходеев О.Н., Тиходеева М.Ю. Изменчивость цветка в природных популяциях седмичника европейского (Trientalis europaea L.)//Экология. -2001. -N 3. -С. 225-230.
  79. Тихонович И.А., Ходжайова Л.Т. Молекулярно-генетические аспекты взаимодействия растений и микроорганизмов//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология. -Вып. 4. -С. 43-52.
  80. Филипченко Ю.А. Изменчивость и методы ее изучения. -Л.: Наука, 1929. -260 с.
  81. Шмальгаузен И.И. Факторы эволюции (теория стабилизирующего отбора). -М: Изд-во АН СССР, 1946. -396 с.
  82. Astauroff B.L. Analyse der erblichen Storungsfalle der bilateralen Symmetrie im Zusammenhang mit der selbstandigen Variabilitat anlicher Strukturen//Ztschr. f. inductive Abstammungs und Verebungslehre, 1930. -Bd. 55. -Heft 3. -S. 183-262.
  83. Ayala F.J. & Kiger J.A. Jr. Modern Genetics. Second edition//London, Amsterdam, Ontario, Sydney: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1984.
  84. Blake W.J., KaernM., CantorC.R., Collins J.J. Noise in eukaryotic gene expression//Nature. -2003. -Vol. 422, N 6932. -P. 633-637.
  85. Bradshaw A.D. Evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity in plants//Adv. Genet. -1965. -Vol. 13-P. 115-155.
  86. Callahan H.S., Pigliucci M. & Schlichting CD. Developmental phenotypic plasticity: where ecology and evolution meet molecular biology//BioEssays, 1997. -Vol. 19, N 6. -P. 519-525.
  87. Charlier С V.L. A statistical description of Trientalis europaea//Arkiv Bot. -1913. -Vol. 12, N 14. -P. 1-28.
  88. Chen Z.J. & PikaardCS. Epigenetic silencing of RNA polymerase I transcription: A role for DNA methylation and histone modification in nucleolar dominance//Gen. Dev. -1997. -Vol. 11, N 16. -P. 2124-2136.
  89. CookS.A. & Johnson M.P. Adaptation to heterogenous environments. I. Variation in heterophylly in Ranunculus flammula L.//Evolution. -1968. -Vol. 22, N 3. -P. 496-516.
  90. Ehrlich M. Expression of various genes is controlled by DNA methylation during mammalian development//J. Cell. Biochem. -2003. -Vol. 88, N 5. -P. 899-910.
  91. Elowitz M.B., Levine A.J., Siggia E.D. & Swain P.S. Stochastic gene expression in a single cell//Science. -2002. -Vol. 297, N 5584. -P. 1183-1186.
  92. Fisher R.A. The possible modifications of the response of the wild type to recurrent mutations//Am. Nat. -1928. -Vol. 62. -P. 115-126.
  93. Funkhauser C & ChoryJ. Light control in plant development//Ann. Rev. Cell. Dev. Bio. -1997. -Vol. 13. -P. 203-229.
  94. Gibson G. & Wagner G. Canalization in evolutionary genetics: a stabilizing theory?//BioAssays. -2000. -Vol. 22, N 4. -P. 372-380.
  95. Gilbert S.F. Developmental Biology, 6th Edition//Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc. -2000. -695 p.
  96. Griffits A.J.F, Miller J.H., Suzuki D.T., LewontinR.C & Gelbart W.M. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. Fifth edition. -New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. -1993. -840 p.
  97. Harrington R. W Jr. 1968. Delimitation of the thermolabile phenocritical period of sex determination and sex differentiation in the ontogeny of the normally hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus//Physiol. Zool. -1968. -Vol. 41. -P. 447-460.
  98. Harvell C.D. The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses//Q. Rev. Biol. -1990. -Vol. 65. -P. 323-340.
  99. Hiirsalmi H. Trientalis europaea L. A study of the reproduction biology, ecology and variation in Finland//Annals Botanici Fenni-ci.-1969, -Vol. 6, N2-P. 119-173.
  100. Huang H. & Ma H. FON1, an arabidopsis gene that terminates floral meristem activity and controls flower organ number//The Plant Cell. -1997. -Vol. 9, N 2. -P. 115-134.
  101. Hume D. Probability in transcriptional regulation and its implication for leukocyte differentiation and inducible gene expression//Blood. -2000. -Vol. 96, N 7. -P. 2323-2328.
  102. Kakutani Т., ManukataK., Richards E.J. andHirochika H. Meiotically and mitotically stable inheritance of DNA hypomethylation induced by ddml mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana//Genetics. -1999. -Vol. 151, N2. -P. 831-838.
  103. Ко М. Induction mechanism of a single gene molecule//BioEssays. -1992. -Vol. 14, N 5. -P. 341-346.
  104. KronhamnJ., FreiE., DaubeM., JiaoR., Shi Y, NollM. & Rasmuson-Lestander A. Headless flies produced by mutations in the paralogous Рахб genes eyeless and twin of eyeless//Development. -2002. -Vol. 129, N4. -P. 1015-1026.
  105. Lee J.C. & Peter M.E. Regulation of apoptosis by ubiquitination//Immunol. Rev. -2003. -Vol. 193. -P. 39-47.
  106. Leyser H.M.O. & Furner I.J. Characterization of three shoot apical meristem mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana//Development. -1992. -Vol. 116, N2.-P. 397-403.
  107. Lulz F.E. Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila concerning evolution//Garnegie Inst. Publ. -1911. -N 143. -P. 1-35.
  108. McAdams H.H. & Arkin A. Stochastic mechanisms in gene expression//Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. -1997. -Vol. 94, N 3. -P. 814-819.
  109. Matthews J.R. andRogerJ.G. Variation in Trientalis europaea Linn.//J. Bot. -1941. -Vol. 79. -P. 80-83.
  110. Nijhout H.F Development and evolution of adaptive polyphenisms//Evol. Dev. -2003. -Vol. 5,N 1-P. 9-18.
  111. Paldi A. Stochastic gene expression during cell differentiation: order from disorder?//Cell Mol. Life Sci. -2003. -Vol. 60, N 9. -P. 1775-1778.
  112. Palauqui J.C, Elmayan Т., De Borne F.D., Crete P., Charles C, VaucheretH. Frequencies, timing, and spatial patterns of co-suppression of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase in transgenic tobacco plants//Plant Physiol. -1996. -Vol. 112, N 4. -P. 1447-1456.
  113. Petersen N.S. Effects of heat and chemical stress on development//Adv. Genet. -1990. -Vol. 28. -P. 275-296.
  114. Plunkett C.R. The interaction of genetic and environmental factors in development//J. Exper. Zool-1926. -Vol. 46, N2. -P. 181-244.
  115. Pratt W.B. The hsp90-based chaperone system: involvement in signal transduction from a variety of hormone and growth factor receptors//Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. -1998. -Vol. 217, N 4. -P. 420-434.
  116. Queitsch C, Songster ТА. & LindquistS. Hsp90 as a capacitor of phenotypic variation//Nature. -2002. -Vol. 417, N 6889. -P. 618-24.
  117. Richer K. & Buchner J. Hsp90: chaperoning signal transduction//J. Cell Physiol. -2001. -Vol. 188, N 3. -P. 281-290.
  118. RoeS.M., Prodromou C, O'Brien R., LadburyJ.E., Piper P.W. & Pearl L.H. Structural basis for inhibition of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone by the antitumor antibiotics radicicol and geldanomycin//J. Med. Chem. -1999. -Vol. 42,N2.-P. 260-266.
  119. Running MP, Fletcher J.C. & MeyerowitzE.M. The WIGGUM gene is required for proper regulation of floral meristem size in Arabidopsis//Development. -1998. -Vol. 125, N 14. -P. 2545-2553.
  120. RutherfordS.L. & Lindquist S. Hsp90 as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature. -1998. -Vol. 396, N 6709. -P. 336-342.
  121. Scharloo W. Canalization: genetic and developmental aspects//Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. -1991. -Vol. 22. -P. 65-93.
  122. Scroggins B.T., Prince T, ShaoJ, Uma S, Huang W., Guo Y, YunB.G., Hedman K., Matts R.L. & Hartson S.D. High affinity binding of Hsp90 is triggered by multiple discrete segments of its kinase clients//Biochemistry. -2003. -Vol. 42, N 43. -P. 12550-12561. 31.
  123. Soltars V, Lu X., Xiao 1., Wang X., Garfmkel M.D. & Ruden DM. Evidence for an epigenetic mechanism by which Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature Genet. -2003. -Vol. 33, N 1. -P. 70-74.
  124. Tikhodeyev O.N. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. Flower development in Trientalis europaea L.: The possible role of environment and stochastic events//Wulfenia. -2002. -Vol. 9. -P. 77-87.
  125. Tikhodeyev O.N., Neustroeva M.A. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. (+1) and (-1) deviations in development of floral meristems in Trientalis europaea L.//Wulfenia. -2003. -Vol. 10. -P. 103-114.
  126. Timofeeff-Ressovsky N. W. Studies on the phenotype manifestation of hereditary factors. I. On the phenotypie manifestation of the genova-riation radius incompletus in Drosophila funebris//Genetics. -1927-Vol. 12. -P. 128-198.
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