Laparoscopy as method of early revealing of ovarian cancer

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Objective: It's difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer in early stages because of unremarkable symptomatology. Than we investigated patients with small pelvic tumors which would be suspicious by cancer of ovary by clinical admission or ultrasonography (US).

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Objective: It's difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer in early stages because of unremarkable symptomatology. Than we investigated patients with small pelvic tumors which would be suspicious by cancer of ovary by clinical admission or ultrasonography (US).

Methods: 278 patients with small pelvic tumors in bounds from 2 to 8 cm were investigated by laparoscopy. Age of patients was from 18 to 83 years old. Majority of patients was older 50 years (53%).

Results: From 278 patients in 78,5% cases were revealed tumors of ovaries, in 10,4% - myoma of uteri, in 3,2% - nongynecological tumors and in 7,9% - without pathological features. Malignant tumors of ovary were revealed in 19 patients (6,8%). Borderline tumors of ovaries were diagnosed in 5 patients, cancer of ovaries stage IA according to FIGO clinical staging was observed in 5 patients, in 4 patients - cancer of ovaries stage II, in 3 patients - cancer of ovaries stage III and 2 patients — cancer of tube uterine. It's interesting that 2 patients with negative features of gastrocolic omentum have metastases on diaphragm.

Conclusions: It could be pointed that laparoscopy is significant method of differential diagnostics of tumors of ovaries.


About the authors

A. A. Tsipurdeeva

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies; City Cancer Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

A. F. Ourmantcheeva

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies; City Cancer Hospital

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

D. R. Zeldovicht

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies; City Cancer Hospital

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

M. V. Borodenko

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies; City Cancer Hospital

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg


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