The role of hormonal and vascular dysregulation in the genesis of early reproductive losses




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The Purpose. To study the role of hormonal and vascular dysregulation for the genesis of early reproductive losses without fetus chromosomal abnormalities. Materials and methods. The study involved 150 pregnant women: 38 women with early reproductive losses in this pregnancy (main group) and 112 women with delivery of live full-term infant (comparison group). Determination of factors characterizing the function of fetoplacental complex, indicators of the endothelial function and regulators of angiogenesis was performed in the first trimester of progressive pregnancy. Results. It is established that the mechanisms of abortion in the first trimester is associated with reduced production of hormones and proteins, which are indicators of the formation and function of fetoplacental complex and mediating immunomodulatory, tolerogens and angiogenic effects: β-HCG, PAPP-A and trophoblastic β-1-glycoprotein. Impair of hormonal control of gestational remodeling of the maternal body is associated with endothelial dysfunction and dysregulation of angiogenesis. Markers of endotheliopathy are: increased levels of endothelin-1, propeptide big-endothelin and homocysteine, decreased production of total and endogenous nitrite, and the changing of release of soluble adhesion molecules. Disbalans of stimulators and inhibitors of angiogenesis is characterized by the increased level of proangiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) as well as by the reduction of level of antiangiogenic soluble receptor of VEGF (sVEGF-R1), protein 1, binding insulin-like growth factor (IGF-BP1), and placental growth factor (PlGF). Conclusion. The determination of factors of hormonal and vascular dysregulation in the early pregnancy contributes to the timely identification of women with risk of miscarriage.




Irina Gaziyeva

Research Institute Protection of motherhood and infancy

Candidate of Biology, researcher

Guzel Chistyakova

Research Institute Protection of motherhood and infancy


Irina Remizova

Research Institute Protection of motherhood and infancy

Candidate of Biology


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