The peculiarities of the period of pregnancy and labor in women with chronic placentary insufficiency and infection

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The structure of perinatal and neonatal pathology has a permanent trend of growth of the part of in womb infections. Having a target of studying the peculiarities of pregnancy and labor of women with chronic placentary insufficiency and infection, there were chosen 96 women that made uptwo groups.

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The structure of perinatal and neonatal pathology has a permanent trend of growth of the part of in womb infections. Having a target of studying the peculiarities of pregnancy and labor of women with chronic placentary insufficiency and infection, there were chosen 96 women that made uptwo groups:

  • The 1st group(63 pregnant women) - with different infectious pathology (without signs of feto placentary insufficiency)
  • The 2nd group(33 pregnant women) - with infectious pathology and chronic feto placentary insufficiency

The diagnosis of chronic feto placentary insufficiency was based upon the data of Ultra-Sound Research, Cardio-Toco Graphics, Ultra Sound Dopplero Graphics and some information that concerned the infant: the length of the body, its weight and its condition according the Apgar scale. The diagnosis of infectious pathology was confirmed by immunological methods of research: immunoferment analysis and analysis of immunofluorescention. To verify the data of inf luence of mix-infections on feto placentary complex there was made an examination of placenta.

The results of the examination showed that the pregnancy on the infection background, especially in combination with chronic feto placentary insufficiency is frequently became complicated with interruption of pregnancy, violation of in womb development and as a result lower index of conditions of health of infants.

This research confirms the necessity of picking out a groupof risk because of formation of chronic feto placentary insufficiency within pregnant women with infection. This groupof risk consists of pregnant women that have in their anamnesis infection diseases of sexual organs or complications during the previous pregnancies. The precise revelation and healing of infectious inflammation diseases of women’s genitals will seriously decrease complications of pregnancy and perinatal sicknesses.


About the authors

E. A. Butova

№1 Omsk State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Russian Federation, Omsk

T. V. Kadtsyna

№1 Omsk State Medical Academy


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Russian Federation, Omsk


Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The spectrum of causative agents of infectious diseases of the genitals in the examined women of the first and second groups

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3. Fig. 2. The frequency of detection of monoinfection and mixed infection in pregnant women of the first and second groups

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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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