M. Kalmykov. - A case of incorrect births with twins. - (Protocol. General Donskikh doctors for 1894, the tenth year, Novocherkassk, 1895. Appendices, p. 84).

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The patient's first child (8-raga, 42 years old), gave birth safely. Then the attempts stopped. The patient, with the umbilical cord sticking out of the vagina, was engaged in the usual chores around the house. Only on the 4th day after the birth of the first child, the author saw the patient and, stating the presence of a living fetus in the uterus, burst the bubble. Despite the contractions, the presenting part, the buttocks, did not drop. Then the author undertook a manual extraction of the fetus, but met a strong obstacle in the release of the legs thrown upward: there was a spasm of the upper and middle sections of the uterus. All the same it was possible to free the legs. Extracted live fruit; squeezed out 2 small separate after. The author attaches to the article, not devoid of interest, a description of the situation in which he has to work as an obstetrician.

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Перваго ребенка больная (8-рага, 42 лѣтъ), родила благополучно. Затѣмъ потуги прекратились. Больная, съ торчащей изъ влагалища пуповиной, занималась обычными хлопотами по хозяйству. Только на 4-й день послѣ рожденія перваго ребенка авторъ увидѣвъ больную и, констатировавъ присутствіе живого плода въ маткѣ, разорвалъ пузырь. Не смотря на схватки, предлежащая часть, ягодицы, не опускались. Тогда авторъ предпринялъ ручное извлеченіе плода, но встрѣтилъ сильное препятствіе при освобожденіи ножекъ, запрокинутыхъ вверхъ: имѣлся спазмъ верхняго и средняго отдѣловъ матки. Освобожденіе ножекъ всетаки удалось. Извлеченъ живой плодъ; выжаты 2 небольшихъ отдѣльныхъ послѣда. Авторъ прилагаетъ къ статьѣ, не лишенное интереса, описаніе обстановки, въ которой ему приходится работать, какъ акушеру.


About the authors

N. Kakushkin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 1895 Kakushkin N.

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