Vol 9, No 9 (1895)

Cover Page


On the question of the causes of pruritus universalis in pregnant women.

Kolbasenko I.S.


In pregnant women, as is known, quite often there is itching of the whole body or some of its parts. The itch sometimes reaches extraordinary strength, and Eichhorst, in his guide to private pathology and therapy (Russian translation, 1885, vol. II, p. 314), mentioning the unbearable itching in pregnant women, says: “Head claims that if itching appears in the second half of pregnancy, then it does not easily lead to a miscarriage.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):721-724
pages 721-724 views

Split pelvis.

Levitsky G.G.


M.m. G.G.! Taz, which I have the opportunity to show you and which is one of the precious copies of the collection of pathological pelvises of the obstetric clinic of St. Vladimira, belongs to the patient K — b, who came to the clinic for eversion of the urinary bladder (ectopia vesicae). This patient had already been demonstrated in our Society by Dr. V.N. Gogotsky in the spring semester of 1894. I intend to demonstrate to you only the pelvis of this patient, which is of significant scientific interest, as well as casuistic, as extremely rare encounter. The question of the treatment adopted in this case will be sorted out in another place).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):725-731
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To the material of the study of infertility. PRELIMINARY NOTICE.

Shuvarsky N.


Mm. Yy! The doctrine of infertility is still far from being developed. This is explained by the enormity of his area, covering almost the entire pathology of the human sexual sphere.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):732-740
pages 732-740 views

On the reasons for the wrong positions and turns of the baby during childbirth. (Ethiological meaning of the shortness of the umbilical cord).

Lvov I.M.


Mm. Yy! Over the past time, you have never had to observe during practical work in the Likhachevsky maternity hospital, the difficulty of childbirth, because of the wrong positions or wrong turns of the baby during childbirth. So, you saw the transverse position of the fetus during childbirth, the irregular cranial, cranial with the presentation of the handles of the fetus, requiring the intervention of art for the end of childbirth; they also saw not how the posterior types of cranial positions during childbirth did not go into the anterior, but the birth took place with the back of the fetus facing backward, causing more or less difficulty in childbirth, sometimes also requiring the intervention of art; Finally, you have not seen cases when the presenting head of the fetus during childbirth did not make the proper turns, or made incorrect, sometimes excessive, and in many of these cases you observed a very early appearance of signs of intrauterine asphyxiation of the fetus, which began to be difficult to explain and did not for the salvation of the baby of the immediate end of the delivery by an operative way. Undoubtedly, such cases raised in you first of all the question of why they happened, why they were caused and why they could not have been prevented, were foreseen and would have been normal for the course of labor in such cases. I wish to sort out the ethology of these irregularities in the present section and then give you answers to questions that arise involuntarily.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):741-774
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Colpotomia post. or keliotomia vaginalis post., as a method of treatment of uterine appendages and their neoplasms.

Fedorov I.I.


In 1857 W. Atlee for the first time made an attempt to use the incision of the vagina, in the posterior fornix, to remove the degenerated ovary. This operation is colpotomia post. later it was repeated by some of the gynecologists (G. Thomas, Davis, R. Battey) and, according to Mignon's statistics, before 1878, there were already up to 113 colpotomy in the literature. However, this method was soon completely abandoned. There were several reasons for this; The main thing can be considered the fact that at this time, that is, in 70-80 years, thanks to the beginning of the adoption of the basis of antiseptics in surgery, gynecology entered a new era of development of its therapy and the womb was broken by the operation, on which sympathies and attention of all gynecologists. The enthusiasm for this method of treatment, which among some of the operators reached the pruritus secandi, brought enormous services to the development of our science. Tubes and ovaries removed during the womb - these trophies of unreasonably "useless uvuchіy", have enriched the pathology rooms with extremely valuable material for a detailed study of the pathology and physiology of female reproductive development of organs.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):775-787
pages 775-787 views

PROTOCOL No. 5. Session on May 4, 1895.

Ott D.O.


Attended by: honorary member K.F. Slavyanskiy, 32 members: Vertsinskiy, Viridarskiy, Grinev, Dolinskiy, Dranitsyn, Zamshin, Kakushkin, Lichkus, Mazurkevich, Massen, Matsevskiy, Radievich, Misevich, Pietskiykovych, R. Rutkovskiy, Rkmsha, Savchenko, Sadovskiy, Salmanov, Serezhnikov, Sitsinskiy, Stelmakhovich, Stravinskiy, Stroganov, Tereshchenko, Ulrikh, Fisher, A.R., Shverdlov, Stolts, Schuttenbakh and 20 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):788-795
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PROTOCOL No. V. Administrative appointment on May 4, 1895. (§ 34).

Ott D.O.


25 members attended.
1) Chitan and approved protocol No. IV.
2) The Chairman reported to the Society that the congress of doctors on obstetrics, women's and children's diseases in Bordeaux would not take place on 12, as previously announced, but on August 8 this 1895.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):796-799
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PROTOCOL No. 71. Meeting on January 25, 1895.

Reyn G.E.


Attended by: D. A. Abuladze, M. A. Voskresenskiy, D. A. Vorobiev, V. N. Gogotskiy, N. S. Grzhibovskiy, N. M. Zvinyatskiy, P. Yu. Krol, D. A. Karra, G. G. Levitsky, E. E. von-Meister, G. F. Pisemsky A. A. Redlikh, N. V. Untilov, N. V. Shuvarsky, S. M. Yarovoy, A. P. Yakhontov and 38 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):800-806
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A. A. Novitskiy. - The scope of the operative treatment of the folds of the uterus back with sewing to the anterior fornix. - (Duct, late Imperial Caucasian Med. General, May 2, 1895, p. 34).

Kakushkin N.


2 cases are described. In the first, in a 27-year-old woman, the mobile uterus was sewn to the anterior fornix according to Mackenrodt. On the third day, the uterus returned to its previous position. In the second case, in a 29-year-old woman, the uterus, which is less mobile, was sewn to the anterior fornix using the same method, and during the operation it was held in the position given to it by a lead strongly curved bougie. The result was excellent.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):807
pages 807 views

AA Novitskiy. — Diagnostics of the interconnective ovarian cysts .— (Duct, late. Imperial Caucasian. Med. General, May 2, 1895, p. 26).

Kakushkin N.


Before the operation, the patient was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, which had grown into the broad ligament, but during the womb it was found that it was a cyst with purulent contents. She was operated on in two ways: first, it was sewn into the wound, and then it was opened and emptied. After the operation, recognition fluctuated between the broad ligament cyst and between the expanded tube. The wall of the cyst was not examined microscopically, but the lengthening of the uterine cavity, the absence of interception between the uterus and the tumor, and the considerable size of the tumor made the author recognize a broad ligament cyst here.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):807
pages 807 views

V. A. Bogoroditsky. - About the conduct of childbirth according to the Indian method. - (Channel. Tamb. Med. General, 1894, 1-12. Tambov, 1895, p. 157).

Kakushkin N.


The author calls the Indian method the method of delivery on his heels, on his knees, in general with the position of the body close to vertical. This method was practiced exclusively by the ancients, and now it is widespread among wild and uncultured peoples. The position of a woman in labor with this method, according to the author, is the most natural, because the act of childbirth by self-awareness approaches the act of defecation, the anatomical structure of the birth canal in an upright position favors the rapid passage of the fetus and less pressure of the presenting part on the perineum. The author adopted this method with success, and in the sense of speed and ease of childbirth and in the sense of preserving the integrity of the perineum, in 5 primiparous, of which one was 20 years old, the rest 30-40 years.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):808
pages 808 views

S. K. Olenin. - On the use of strychnine in pregnant women. - (Duct. Tamb. Med. General, 1894, 1-12. Tambov, 1895, p. 213).

Kakushkin N.


In tѣh г cases, where during childbirth weakness of pushing can be expected, the author tries to give during the last 6-8 weeks, with a break, strychnine at 0.002-0.0025 twice. day. Until now, he has used this remedy in 16 pregnant women, and only in two (first-pregnant women) labor was slow. In all the rest, with the usual weakness of attempts, with chronic metritis, with fibroids of the uterus, with suffering of the appendages (hysterical), with a sagging stomach, in a syphilitic woman, childbirth proceeded quickly and completely correctly.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):808
pages 808 views

S. K. Olenin. - K casuistic new formation of female external genital organs. - (Channel. Tamb. Med. General, 1894, 1-12. Tambov, 1895, p. 207).

Kakushkin N.


A peasant woman, 60 years old, multiparous, was always healthy .. Over the last 6 years, a sausage-like swelling has grown in the thickness of the right large lip. With a circular cut at the base, the tumor was easily removed. She turned out to be leiomyoma laevicellulare fibrosum. In another case, in a 9-month-old pregnant woman, the author exhumed a cyst from her right large lip with a fist.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):808
pages 808 views

S. K. Olenin. - To the pathology of the hymen. - (Archpriest Tambov. Med. General 1894, 1-12. Tambov, 1895. Page 109).

Kakushkin N.


1st case. 20 years old, recently married. Coitus has never been successful. Besides fleshy, with a small hole, hymen in the usual place, sntm. 1-2 higher, in the vaginal cavity, there is a transverse septum with a hole that barely passes the end of the little finger. Lateral cuts of the outer septum were made and the posterior flap formed in this way was cut out; the wound was closed with knotty sutures. The ring is scattered on the narrowed place of the vagina. Systematic expansion of iodoforms. gauze. Convalescence.
2nd case. 45 years old, nulliparous. Coitus was never accompanied by pain, but the patient almost constantly suppresses the secretion from the vagina. The hymen, thick, with a very small opening, is pressed into the vaginal cavity, thanks to 29 years of married life, but not torn. Haematocolpos. Two side cuts; the edges are cut and sewn.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):809
pages 809 views

S. K. Olenin. - K casuistic curettage of the inner wall of the uterus with fibromyomas. - (Protok. Tambov. Med. General 1894. 1-12. Tambov, 1895. Page 103).

Kakushkin N.


1 case. 39 y., Nulliparous. Ill for 5 months. Menorrhagia. In the thickness of the anterior wall of the uterus, the tumor eats a chicken egg. The uterine cavity 11 sntm. Interstitial fibroids recognized. Scraping was done, some lubrication of the inner surface of the uterus t-ra jodi and a tribute inside ergotin. After a month, together with the cessation of bleeding, a decrease in the uterine cavity to 8 sntm was stated. and reduction of the tumor to the size of the walnut orchid ..

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):809
pages 809 views

M. M. Mironov. - Warm and hot baths during menstruation. - (Weekly, 1895, No. 22).

Kakushkin N.


Wanting to test Makaveev's observations on the indifferent and beneficial action of warm baths during the month, the author exposed the action of salty baths in 27 ° -28 ° menstruating women on the Slavic mineral waters and describes briefly seven such baths. Conclusions from the last ones are as follows: common salt baths at 27 ° -28 ° R. With the addition of several buckets of lye, they do not produce any bad effects, on the contrary, they even quench pain, and the amount of blood lost either does not change, or decreases. Another series of observations by the author dulal with general or zone warm baths at 31 ° -33 ° R., without the addition of salt; From five observations the author concludes: in women with a normal sexual apparatus, baths at 32 ° -33 ° R., lasting 20 minutes, do not produce any harmful effects on the course of regulation and even reduce the amount of blood lost. In the third row (21 cases), the observation of the effect of baths on menstruating, with inflammatory changes in the pelvic organs, the same result was obtained: baths do not increase blood loss, sometimes they reduce the amount of blood lost, and what is most important, they are effective.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):810
pages 810 views

S. A. Lipinskiy. - A case of cicatricial contraction of the vagina, operated on by the autoplastic method. - (Doctor, 1895, No. 25).

Kakushkin N.


A 21-year-old peasant woman, ill after a difficult birth. Annular contraction in the lower third of the vagina. After manipulation with Simon's dilators, the scar tissue on the posterior wall was torn until the intestinal wall was exposed; then a muscular fistula was formed in this. Overlooking the lateral parts of the scar and thus obtaining a leaf-shaped double wound surface, the author moved here and sewed a small lip, cut off at the base (with the exception of the posterior end) and spread across the width of the incision made on the base. Place, where the small lips were cut off, closed with sutures. Silk sutures were applied everywhere, which were finally removed on the 8th day, giving the initial tension. The author closed the posterior surface of the vaginal wall and the fistula with a skin flap cut out from the perineal line from the buttocks. Only the anterior sheath of the vagina remained scarred. The result of the operation: the vagina, 7 cm long, freely passes two fingers. The author thinks that the patient will give birth well.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):810-811
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M.A.Grinberg. - A rare case of malformation: external false duality with congenital absence of the anus. - (Weekly, 1895, No. 23).

Kakushkin N.


A child of 8 days, named by a woman's name, has only one irregularity in the structure of his body: the labia majora are enlarged and each contain an oblong body (testicles); small lips strongly developed; in the place of similarity of them - a pointed formation with a length of 1 cm., a width of 1/2 cm., without a hole. 1/2 sntm. posterior to this formation there is an opening with a pinhead, which expels both feces and urine. The holes of the anus in the usual place are nѣt. The author calls this deformity: pseudohermophroditismus externus masculinus cum atresia ani vaginalis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):811
pages 811 views

Ya.F. Kiselev. - About castration in osteomalacia. - (Collected Works. Doctors of St. Petersburg. Maryinsky hospital. Issue II, St. Petersburg, 1893, p. 166).

Kakushkin N.


The author briefly talks about the pathology of osteomalacia and the results of its treatment by oskopleniem from different authors. His patient, a peasant woman of the Yaroslavl province, 26 years old. She gave birth three times. Sick 5 years after the first birth. Softening of the left ray, right thigh and iliac bones; changing their form. Unsuccessful treatment with phosphorus. The fourth pregnancy was terminated artificially at 41/2 months. In May 1892, V.V. Sutugin removed the ovaries with a part of the tubes. The postoperative period passed without complications. In the course of five months after the operation, the painful process not only did not stop, but rather progressed. About the further fate of the patient in the article there is no information.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):811
pages 811 views

N.I. Kuskov. - A case of a teratoid tumor. - (Collection of Labor. Doctors of St. Petersburg. Maryinskaya Hospital. Issue II, St. Petersburg, 1893, p. 85).

Kakushkin N.


When a 28-year-old woman who had died of putrefactive peritonitis was opened, an opening was found in the small intestine (at the border of the lean and ileal), communicating with the abdominal cavity and with the cavity formed into the omentum. In the hole protruded a bone with teeth - the remains of a teratoma. The gland cavity is connected to a cord that goes directly into the left Fallopian tube. The author believes that at the known time of uterine life, the left tube with the ovary, in which the teratoma developed, did not descend into the pelvis, but grew to the omentum and overgrown with it; the bone of the teratoma with constant pressure ulcerated the wall of the adjacent intestine.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):811-812
pages 811-812 views

N.I. Kuskov. - The case of the absence of the left kidney in combination with a bifid uterus. - (Collected Works. Doctors of St. Petersburg. Maryinsky Hospital. Issue II, St. Petersburg., P. 80).

Kakushkin N.


In the corpse of a consumptive woman, 46 years old, in place of the left kidney was only the adrenal gland of normal structure. The right kidney is enlarged, parenchymal inflamed. Heart is small, 230 grm. vѣsom. Two uterus, as if spliced ​​by their necks over a length of 2.3 cm. Does the stigma have only one hole? for the canal of the right uterus, and resembles the stigma of the giving birth uterus. The size of the right uterus is normal, its left corner is rounded. This uterus has one round ligament, one wide and solitary appendages. The fallopian tube comes from the left corner. A thin fold of the peritoneum goes from the back surface of this uterus to the rectum, the same fold goes from the left edge to the left uterus. The left uterus is smaller in size, with a narrow cavity. She has two round ligaments and one wide ligament. There are no appendages. Densely augmented with old connective tissue to the rectum.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):812
pages 812 views

V.E. Favr. To casuistry of foreign bodies in the uterine sleeve. (Dept. Ott. From Labor. Kharkovsk. Med. General, for 1894).

Kakushkin N.


The author lists several cases of vaginal foreign bodies described in the literature. There are two of his own cases. In a 39-year-old woman who gave birth, a cork was removed from the vagina, 5 cm long, 3 cm wide, with a hole at one end (probably intended for sticking on a stick - with the aim of greater convenience during masturbation). The patient has purulent colpitis. A torn rubber spur was removed from a 22-year-old woman.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):812
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I. Yurasovskiy. - A case of blistering skid. - (Med. Review, 1895, No. 17, p. 411).

Kakushkin N.


A 26-year-old woman giving birth, after a 2-month stop in blood, immediately after the fall of the patient, bleeding occurred, continuing without interruption for three weeks. At the same time, a growing tumor was found in the lower abdomen. 3 months have passed since the stopping of the correct menstruation, between the dark the bottom of the uterus was felt 11/2 of the finger above the navel. The uterus is soft, equally enlarged. The presence of the fetus is not detected. t ° t подla subfebrile. Under anesthesia, a rapid expansion of the cervical canal and removal of the contents of the uterus with a finger was performed. This content consisted of rather small bubbles, weakly connected to each other. It weighed 21/2 to 3 pounds. The microscope discovered the presence of a falling membrane with mucous degeneration of villi. The patient recovered quickly.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):813
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M. Kalmykov. - A case of wounds of the birth canal in puerperio - (Protok. General Donskikh doctors for 1894, Year ten, Novocherkassk, 1895, p. 66).

Kakushkin N.


The patient on the second day after childbirth, having urinated on his haunches, covered up the protrusion from the anterior passage of some kind of body. Believing that these were the remnants of the past or shells, she took the first knife that came across and cut off everything that protruded. The next day, she covered up the involuntary leakage of urine. The author found in her a vesicovaginal fistula, passing the end of the finger, and gangrenous disintegration of the vaginal wall; the patient was very feverish. In the course of a month, anti-rotting irrigation of the vagina and constant catheterization were applied. During this time, the patient recovered and her fistula closed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):813
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M. Kalmykov. - A case of incorrect births with twins. - (Protocol. General Donskikh doctors for 1894, the tenth year, Novocherkassk, 1895. Appendices, p. 84).

Kakushkin N.


The patient's first child (8-raga, 42 years old), gave birth safely. Then the attempts stopped. The patient, with the umbilical cord sticking out of the vagina, was engaged in the usual chores around the house. Only on the 4th day after the birth of the first child, the author saw the patient and, stating the presence of a living fetus in the uterus, burst the bubble. Despite the contractions, the presenting part, the buttocks, did not drop. Then the author undertook a manual extraction of the fetus, but met a strong obstacle in the release of the legs thrown upward: there was a spasm of the upper and middle sections of the uterus. All the same it was possible to free the legs. Extracted live fruit; squeezed out 2 small separate after. The author attaches to the article, not devoid of interest, a description of the situation in which he has to work as an obstetrician.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):813-814
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M.I. Karpov. - A case of ovaryotomy. - (Protocol. General Donskikh doctors. Year ten, Novocherkassk, 1895. Appendices, p. 74).

Kakushkin N.


The operation was made by Ya. A. Muzhenkov. Patient 25 years old, giving birth. Cut along the white line. Ovarian cyst with a thick leg, which directly passes into the broad ligament. Splicing with an oil seal. The leg is tied first with five ligatures, then with two; sheathed with a peritoneum; pinched with pulp, reinforced in the abdominal wound. After the operation, once the temperature was 38.4 °. Zhom fell off on the 20th day. Convalescence.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):814
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L. V. Berlyand. - K casuisticѣ rupture of sleeve arches during childbirth. - (Protok, posting of General Minsk doctors for 1893/4, Minsk, 1894, p. 167).

Kakushkin N.


On the 4th day of childbirth, 3 days after the withdrawal of water, the author noted pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding from the genitals, and vomiting in the first-born mother. The presenting part, the head, affected by dropsy, was already at the exit of the pelvic floor. This data made him recognize a ruptured uterus. The head is reduced, the fetus (macerated freak) is extracted using a cranioclast. After it was removed with a hand, a rupture of the left arch was discovered, missing four fingers. The vaginal vaults are made with sterilized iodoform gauze. Ice on the lower abdomen, inside opi. In the postnatal period, the patient developed a left-sided parametritis. Recovery came in 21/2 weeks.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):814
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M.P. Ayzeshptadt. - Two cases of ovaryotomy. (Protok, sent by the General Minsk doctors for 1893/4, Minsk, 1894 p. 152).

Kakushkin N.


1st case. 50 years old, multiparous. 6 years ago, the climacteric period began. 3 months ago, the tumor covered up in the belly. Cystoma ovarii sinistri recognized. Gluttony on January 8, 1894. The cyst was opened with a knife. There are no splices. The cut surface of the leg is sheathed with a peritoneum. Recovery. The tumor turned out to be a multichamber colloid cyst of the left ovary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):814-815
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V. V. Tipyakov. - A case of a hernia of a pregnant uterus; gluttony; safe end of pregnancy .— (Medical Review, 1895, No. 17, p. 409).

Kakushkin N.


Primigravid 23 years (5th month of pregnancy). Along the middle line of the abdominal wall, 4 fingers below the navel, annular, covered with integuments, a hole with a diameter of 8-9 cm. The uterus that had fallen into the ring did not adjust and showed signs of incipient infringement. Pains in the abdomen and back of a forced character appeared. During the womb, the uterus was repositioned, and the hernial ring was sutured. Pregnancy ended at the time of the birth of a living baby. The hernia did not return.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):815
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V.D.Brusilovskiy. - On the case of rupture of the uterus. - (Protocol of the ambulance of the Stavropol Medical. General, 1894, No. 3).

Kakushkin N.


10-raga, 42 years old. The mouth is perfect, the waters have departed; the head is fixed in the entrance. Contractions are weak and slightly painful. The fruit is alive: the second parietal position. The general condition of the woman in labor is completely satisfactory. The author rѣshil wait. After 6 hours, the patient was found in a state of collapse. Fight nѣt. The head is higher and mobile. I recognized the rupture of the uterus and proceeded to perforate the head, but when manipulating the piercer, the head moved up even more. An attempt to make a turn for some reason failed. The author is silent about the further.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):815
pages 815 views

Dr. John D. Malcolm. - Illustration of some Modes of Death from Ovariotomy. - (Lancet., 1895, 12 / v, p. 93) .— Some causes of death after ovariotomy.

Ginzburg M.


Dr. Malcolm reported to the Royal Society of Medicine, London, a list of all cases of death that had occurred in his practice after ovaryotomy with the results of autopsies that clarified the causes of the death. (Such a report, I believe, is instructive, since there are a number of successful cases of this operation. — Ref.).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):816-817
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Dr. Albert Green. - A Case of Post-Mortem Parturition. - (Lancet., 1895, 5 / i, p. 27). - A case of childbirth after death (with eversion of the uterus and rupture of the perineum).

Ginzburg M.


A 20-year-old girl, so obese that her parents, with whom she lived, did not suppress her pregnancy, which had reached a normal term, suddenly fell ill with a headache; at night she had convulsions. The invited doctor found her in an unconscious state; seizures of convulsions were 3-4 times per hour, more tonic than clonic in nature, the tongue was bitten, the pupils were dilated. The doctor suspected poisoning with some kind of alkoloid. In the morning the patient died without being destroyed. Two women, who washed the deceased and laid her on the table, did not suppress her child's emergence; they covered her with a sheet, which there was no reason to reveal for two days, until the forensic medical examination of the corpse by Dr. Green. The last one, having removed the sheet, saw that between the legs of the deceased lay a dead newborn child, legs down, with the head at the mother's genitals, that is, with the buttocks presented; a fleshy round mass protruded from the genital organs of the deceased, which turned out to be the bottom of the uterus turned upside down and not separated from it after the house; the umbilical cord was very short. Traces of bleeding or clots were not detected. The perineum of the parturient woman was torn. Her belly was very swollen, and when she was punctured, a huge amount of gas came out of it. There were no pathological phenomena in the organs of the abdomen and chest. Strychnine was not found in the stomach and intestines sent to the chemical laboratory.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):817-818
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Dr. James Murphy. — Abdominal Section during Pregnancy .— (Lancet., 1895, 19 / i, p. 148). - Gluttony during pregnancy.

Ginzburg M.


A 22-year-old woman with a left ovarian cyst, which caused her considerable pain, considering herself to be 2 months pregnant, turned to Dr. Murphy for advice; he did not find a reason for the immediate production of the operation. After a short time, the patient suddenly developed a collapse, a liquid was felt in the abdomen. Murphy immediately made a cut in the abdomen with chloroform, at which up to 20 ounces of liquid blood had escaped from the last day, and rinsed the peritoneal cavity with boron solution. The uterus turned out to be enlarged, the tubes and ovaries were healthy, but near the right ovary, a bleeding place was found in the ruptured pseudo-membrane, by which the ovary was attached to the Douglas space. When the pregnant uterus was lifted up, the membrane ruptured and gave profuse bleeding, probably not long before the operation. After bandaging the bleeding membrane, the operation is over; recovery is smooth. Pregnancy continued and the patient was destroyed in time by a living child.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):818-819
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Dr. O'Sullivan. - (Melbourne, Australia). Cases (50) of abdominal Section. - (The Australasian Medical Gazette, 1895 15 April., P. 154). - 50 wounds (with notes on some issues of gynecological surgery).

Ginzburg M.


O'Sullivan has performed a number of large gynecological surgeries in recent years. The outcomes of the operations were very favorable, but the numbers of recovery are not shown.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):819-820
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Dr. Theobald Smith. - On a local vascular Disturbance of the Fetus, probably due to the Injection of Tuberculin in the pregnant Cow. - From the Pathological Laboratory of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Departament of Agriculture. - (New-Jork Medic. Journ., 1895, 23 / II, p. 233). - About local disorders of blood circulation in the embryo, caused by the injection of mother's tuberculin. - Experiments on animals, produced in the laboratory of the Department of Agriculture, Sv.-Am. Conn. States.

Ginzburg M.


The two observations described below are interesting in the sense of confirming the widespread in the public opinion of the reflection on the embryo of different impressions of the mother; these observations are more valuable than those produced on animals.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(9):820-822
pages 820-822 views

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