Gestosis and obstetrical bleeding as a cause of maternal mortality



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Objective. The aim of our investigation was the elaboration and introduction of the system of correlation conditions of threaten maternal mortality from Gestosis /G/ and Obstetrical bleeding /OB/.

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Objective. The aim of our investigation was the elaboration and introduction of the system of correlation conditions of threaten maternal mortality from Gestosis /G/ and Obstetrical bleeding /OB/.

Methods. We have done retrospective analysis the histories of labors complicated with OB and G, all which had mortal outcome.

Results. In 61,2% — 64,0% of cases somatic pathology took place. Among those died from OB inhabitants of the countryside /54,5%/ predominated and in the cases of G city — dwellers prevailed /62,0%/. The untimely diagnostic the early forms of G, lack of anamnesis data, neglecting of laboratory findings and late direction to the hospital were reveled during the observation in the conditions of out — patient department. Of all the cases /33,5%/ with OB had late admission to the hospital. Protracted conservative therapy, the late beginning of operation, irrational infusion and transfusion therapy, unadequative observation and treatment in puerperal period were reveled in the analyze of labors histories with OB and G. The cases when OB occurred after abdominal delivery prevailed /35,6%/.

Conclusions. The complex system correction of given conditions was introduced, the algorithms of high-risk groups observation were elaborated, department of anesthesiology were improved, infusion therapy methods and indications to the operative delivery were perfected.


Об авторах

S. V. Barinov

Omsk Medical Academy

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Omsk

G. B. Beznostchenco

Omsk Medical Academy

Россия, Omsk

O. A. Neverovskii

Omsk Medical Academy

Россия, Omsk

E. N. Kravchenko

Omsk Medical Academy

Россия, Omsk

V. I. Nadykto

Omsk Medical Academy

Россия, Omsk

V. V. Boutikov

Omsk Medical Academy

Россия, Omsk

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