Lithuanian women’s reproductive health





Method: Analysis the changes of reproductive women’s health in Lithuania is performed in this abstract. For this reason, are used official statistical data and references.


Method: Analysis the changes of reproductive women’s health in Lithuania is performed in this abstract. For this reason, are used official statistical data and references.

Results: In Lithuania in 1997 total population was 3.705.600, females - 1.957.600 (52.8%). Among females 935.224 (47.1%) were 15-49 years age, women’s fertility rate was 1.9. Birth rates every year are decreasing, - in 1980 was 15.0, in 1997 - 10.2. Natural increase of population in 1997 was negative - 0.9/1000. Life expectancy from 1995 is increasing, - in 1997 for females was 76.8 years and for males - 65.9 years. Perinatal and infant mortality rates are decreasing, - from 16.5 in 1992 to 10.3 in 1997. In 1997 were 37.607 deliveries. Spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy and preterm labor arc increasing: spontaneous abortion in 1995 was 4823 (12.8%), in 1997 - 5786 (15.3%): ectopic pregnancy in 1995 - 886 (2.3%) in 1997 - 1061 (2.8%), preterm deliveries in 1995 was 1409 (3.7%), in 1997 -1809 (4.8%). Extragenital diseases, pathological pregnancies and labor are increasing. Oncological diseases among women (per 100.000) was: carcinoma gl. mamma in 1995 was 50.8: in 1997 - 21.9: carcinoma ovary and endometrii in 1995 was 39.8, in 1997 - 43.4, carcinoma colli uteri in 1995 was 18.7, in 1997 - 21.9. Endometriosis genitalia arc increasing too. 34.4% of pregnant women arc infected by STD’s, syphilis in 1990 was 1.8 per 100.000, in 1996 - 87.3. Artificial abortions from 1995 are decreasing, - in 1997 - 60.1 per 100 live birth or 24.3 per 1000 women of 15-40 age. Smoking habits among women in 1998 was 12.5%, 38.8% smokers were 20-34 age, in this age group smoking habits from 1994 to 1998 increases 2.5 times. 37% women are drinking alcohol 2-3 times per month, particularly are drinking young women.

Conclusions: Pathology in pregnancy and labor is increasing, birth and artificial abortion rates are decreasing. Oncological diseases and STD’s are increasing. Smoking and alcohol using are increasing. Data show what reproductive health Lithuanian women are deterioting.



V. Sadaliskas

Kaunas University of Medicine

立陶宛, Kaunas




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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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