I. Yurasovskiy. - A case of blistering skid. - (Med. Review, 1895, No. 17, p. 411).




A 26-year-old woman giving birth, after a 2-month stop in blood, immediately after the fall of the patient, bleeding occurred, continuing without interruption for three weeks. At the same time, a growing tumor was found in the lower abdomen. 3 months have passed since the stopping of the correct menstruation, between the dark the bottom of the uterus was felt 11/2 of the finger above the navel. The uterus is soft, equally enlarged. The presence of the fetus is not detected. t ° t подla subfebrile. Under anesthesia, a rapid expansion of the cervical canal and removal of the contents of the uterus with a finger was performed. This content consisted of rather small bubbles, weakly connected to each other. It weighed 21/2 to 3 pounds. The microscope discovered the presence of a falling membrane with mucous degeneration of villi. The patient recovered quickly.


N. Kakushkin

Email: info@eco-vector.com




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