Immunomorphological features of “classic” and “occult” choroidal neovascular membranes in age-related macular degeneration





A comparative evaluation of morphological features and proliferative activity of “classic” and “occult” choroidal neovascular membranes (CNM) in patients with the wet form of age-related macular degeneration was carried out. It was found that the CNM proliferative activity depends on the membrane type. The presence of a high pigment epithelium detachment in patients with “occult” CNM may be due to the presence of a solid avascular scar in the subretinal space.


Ural Altynbayev


PhD in medicine

Igor Serezhin



Liana Altynbayeva


PhD in medicine


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版权所有 © Altynbayev U.R., Serezhin I.N., Altynbayeva L.R., 2013

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