Safety and efficacy of “Azidrop” eye drops in treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in newborn children



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Purpose: Investigation of safety and therapeutical efficacy of “Azidrop” eye drops in treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children aged from 0 months to 1 year. Methods: 50 newborn children in the aged from 0 months to 1 year with conjunctival injection and mucopurulent discharge from both eyes were examined. Patients received Azidrop instillations - 1 drop bid during 3 days. In all children, at the initial examination and after 10 days post-treatment (the treatment success rate control) samples for bacteriological culture were taken from the conjunctiva. The sensitivity to ophthalmic antibiotics was established by disc diffusion test. Besides, to exclude chlamydial infection, conjunctival scrapings were performed to reveal the chlamydial antigen by immunofluorescence method. The ophthalmic examination was done at Day 1 and Day 3 as well as during the test of the treatment success rate. Patients were observed as outpatient care. The estimation of the drug efficacy based on the eye biomicroscopy data, the clinical picture, and the subjective estimation results at questioning the patients’ parents. Results: Bacterial culturing revealed that St. aureus (38.3%) was found in the conjunctival cavity most often, followed by St. saprophyticus (26.3%), St. epidermidis (16.4%), Acinetobacter (10.9%), and mixed infection (8.1%). The data analysis revealed a high level of resistance to fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin 35.8 and 30.1%, correspondingly). The lowest resistance was revealed to azithromycin and levofloxacin. A chlamydial infection was not confirmed in any case. The medication was well tolerated; the therapeutic effect was reached at the 3rd day of treatment. Conclusion: Taking into consideration high efficacy and good tolerability of Azidrop eye drops, the drug can be recommended to be widely used in neonatal ophthalmic practice in children from 0 months old.




Olga Gusarevich

Novosibirsk State Medical University

MD, PhD, Doc. Med. Sci., professor, chief ophthalmologist of Novosibirsk region and Siberian Federal District

Svetlana Alexandrova

“Zdravitsa”, family medicine center

Email: svetlyachek-s@mail


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