The patomorphological characteristicand criteria of theprediction mucinosis ovariancarcinoma relapse

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On a material of 72 patients it is studied morphometrical and the photometrical characteristic ovarian carcinoma a cancer with high risk of renewal of tumoral growth in comparison to neoplasmas of this localisation without relapse. It is established, that relapse mucinosis ovarian carcinoma by comparison to neoplasmas of this body without repeated cancer growth have the big sizes of cages, kernels and a nuclear-cellular relations. It is revealed, that in relapse mucinosis ovarian neoplasmas an indicator vaskularisation above. The registered fact allows to judge about high speed angiogenesis in mucinosis ovarian carcinoma, inclined to repeated growth and to consider this indicator at a complex estimation of malignant potential of a tumor.


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Copyright (c) 2009 Novichkov E.V., Novichkova O.N., Novichkov Y.V., Novichkova O.N.

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