Diagnostics and prognosticationof the course of face abscessesand phlegmons with the help ofimmunological methods

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In this article they give data concerning clinical-immunological examination of 58 patients with acute odontogenic purulent-inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region (abscesses and phlegmons).
It is shown that the revealed changes in the subpopulational structure of lymphocytes and humoral unit of immunity may be used for diagnostics of this pathology. Although heterogeneity of these indices in patients with different character of the course of the inflammatory process (normergic, hyperergic, hypergic) do not allow us to be sure about prognostication of the course and outcome of the inflammatory process.


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Copyright (c) 2009 Korotkikh N.G., Toboev G.V., Korotkikh N.G., Toboeva G.V.

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