The system aspects of the safety of the operating treatment patients of the high anesthetical risk group using laparoscopic access

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In the given research from the point of the system analyses is studied the haemodynamicy as an integral and one of the most leading factors affecting the safety of operating period by invasions under the circumstances of carboxyperitoneum by patients with heart problems. It is shown that similar nosological forms combine heterogenic patients' groups with different system reactions for carboxyperitoneum and surgical stress. Obese patients have a more impressive move of vegetative homeosthasis to the side of symphaticothony the centralization of the heart rhythmus ruling, the sharp decrease of the adaptational reserves. It should be noted that the differences at the level of stress-indicative hormones are also present and kept further at the early postoperative period


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Copyright (c) 2011 Ivanov V.V., Puchkov K.V., Markov A.I., Ershov N.G., Ivanov V.V., Puchkov K.V., Markov A.I., Ershov N.G.

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