Possibility for hardware and software KAPNOGRAFICHESKOGO COMPLEX KP-01 ELAMED "in the diagnosis of ventilation disorders in patients with bronchial asthma





The presence of hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) is a very acute problem in the asthmatic patients. It can result into diagnostic mistakes, inadequate therapy and worsening the quality of life. So making a diagnose of HVS is of great importance. Thus 90 were investigated (60 - experimental group and 30 - the group of control). It was revealed asthmatic patients to have HVS more often.


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版权所有 © Kuspanalieva D.S., Rakita D.R., Byalovskiy Y.Y., Kuspanalieva D.S., Rakita D.R., Byalovsky Y.Y., 2010

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