The dynamics of adrenal cortex and renal renin-angiotensin system hormone level of the patients with simple solitary cysts, complicated by symptomatic arterial hypertension


The article deals with the results of the symptomatic arterial hypertension surgical correction of 95 patients, suffering simple solitary renal parenchyma cysts. These patients were examined for hormone levels of renin, aldosterone and cortisol versus figure dynamics of systolic and diastolic arterial tension. A hypothesis about a dependence of arterial hypertension forming mechanism on simple renal cyst topography is formulated on the basis of data analysed.

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Динамика уровней гормонов ренин-ангиотензиновой системы почки и коры надпочечников у больных простыми солитарными кистами почки, осложненными симптоматической артериальной гипертензией


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