About pathochemical changes of the system of metabolic homeostasis in acute period of ischemic stroke





Pathochemical and compensatory metabolic reactions were investigated in 30 patients with acute ischemic stroke. There were estimated blood concentration of malone dialdehyde and middle-mass endotoxic molecules and semicarbozide-sensitive amine oxidae activity. On the 5-7th days of the disease there were revealed significant increase of malone dialdehyde and middle-mass endotoxic molecules concentrations. In is possible to suppose that simultaneous changes of system semicarbozide-sensitive amine oxidae activity/ malone dialdehyde as a compensatory reaction directed to the support of metabolic homeostasis.


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版权所有 © Uzbekov M.G., Alferova V.V., Misionzhnik E.Y., Gekht A.B., Uzbekov M.G., Alferova V.V., Gekht A.B., Misionzhnik E.Y., 2010

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