Strengthening theLIPID PEROXIDATION ANDSERUM ALBUMIN compensatoryreactions in patients in therecovery period STROKE


Studied the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), an effective (ECA) and total (OCA), the concentration of CA in 30
patients (cf. the age of 69 ± 8 years, 18 women, 12 men) and 17 healthy subjects of comparable age and sex. In 88% of
patients with AI showed an increase in MDA compared with the norm (P <0.01). The aim - to define the pathogenetic aspects
of the processes of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in blood plasma and functional activity of human serum albumin (SA) patients in
the recovery period (4-5 months) ischemic hemispheric stroke (AI). In patients with ischemic activation of LPO
pathogenetically associated with a decrease in acceptor ability of the CA. Reduction ECA noted in 80% of patients with
ischemic compared with normal (P <0,01). Thus, the recovery period, the AI increased lipid peroxidation is a violation of the
functional activity of the CA, which is accompanied by a decrease in compensatory reaction SA.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Uzbekov M.G., Alferova V.V., Misionzhnik E.Y., Luk'yanyuk E.V., Gekht A.B., Shklovskiy V.A., Uzbekov M.G., Alferova V.V., Misionzhnik E.Y., Lukyanyuk E.V., Hecht A.B., Shklovskii V.A.

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