Oxidizing modificationof albumens in plasmaof blood of patients bydiabetes mellitus oftype 2 iin dependence ondegree ofindemnification ofcarbohydrateexchange and durationof diabetes mellitus oftype 2


Oxidizing stress at diabetes mellitus ( DM) of type 2 characterized by the generation of free radicals, leading, in
particular, to oxidizing modification of albumens. It is rotined that modification of albumens takes place and at
subcompensation of carbohydrate exchange, however much maximal changes take place at decompensation of DM of
type 2 large durations. For the estimation of stage, orientation, expressed of oxidizing stress for the patients of DM of
type 2 it is suggested to use different parts of OMB and their correlations. Not enough for indemnification of
carbohydrate exchange breaking of vicious circle ( a generation of free radicals is oxidizing modification of albumens
is oxidization of lipids - generation of free radicals).


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Copyright (c) 2010 Zanozina O.V., Shcherbatyuk T.G., Borovkov N.N., Zanozina O.V., Scherbatuc T.G., Borovkov N.N.

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