Hypoxenum in therapy of asthenic condition of alcohol abuse



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At present the need for a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with addictive disorders unchallenged. The choice of pharmacological agents used for the relief of symptoms of the disease at different stages is quite wide. This indicates for the need to optimize the therapeutic approaches to apply differentiated complex programs for using a specific drug therapy in different groups of patients. In recent years the great interest was attracted to pharmacological means and methods for improving utilization by the organism of oxygen circulating in it, reducing the oxygen demand of organs and tissues, thereby contributing to reduction of hypoxia and increase resistance to oxygen deficiency. Hypoxenum was allowed for medical use since 1996 year. Hypoxenum is able to both increase efficiency of oxygen use by mechanism of coupling effect due to a specific interaction with a first set of the respiratory chain of mitochondria and alter the conformation of the porphyrin resulting in decreased affinity for oxygen. Simultaneously the modification of ion transportation system in erythrocyte takes place. As a result the oxygen associated with hemoglobin easily desorbed and diffused into the cells and CO2, otherwise, more intensively binds porphyrin complex of erythrocytes. In our study we reproduced a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, comparative clinical study of the efficacy hypoxenum (0.5 g/day, 14 days) after the relief of alcohol withdrawal in 40 patients with alcohol abuse. Our study revealed a pronounced effect of the drug on emotional and motivational status of patients. It was concluded that hipoxenum possesses high efficiency in group of patients in the period of postabstinence.




Viktor Vostrikov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: viktorsvarog1957@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Pharmacology


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