Specifics of allelic polymorphism of genes associated with increased therombogenesis in pregnant women with fetal loss syndrome



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The Up-to-date research of perinatal mortality in Russia has shown change in its structure with increase of proportion of antenatal mortality in the first place, which may be declarative of disorders in fetal vital activities. Reproductive losses in different periods of pregnancy are increasingly frequently united under the term of fetal loss syndrome (FLS), regardless of ethiopathogenic factors. The mostly discussed issue is thrombotic disorders related to inherited and aquired thrombophilia. Research objective was to evaluate the role of adverse allelic variant genes carriage, associated with increased thrombogenesis, in development of FLS. 105 pregnant women with FLS or FLS risk factors in the past have been examined. The women have been affiliated with SPb GBUZ «Women's clininc N 22». The women have been tested for gene mutations in Factor V (FV Leiden), prothrombin, β-subunit of factor I, plasminogen activator inhibitor-I, methylenete-trahydrofolate reductase and glucoprotein IIIa. The study results have shown that 100 per cents of women in the study group with FLS or FLS risk factors in the past have been carriers of at least one allelic variant associated with increased risk of thrombogenesis. A combination of two or more adverse geetic variants (potential risk factors for FLS) have been registered in the overwhelming majority of cases. The incidence of Leiden and genotype 1565CC gene GpIIIa mutations in both study groups was significantly different as compared to the population. The study results demonstrate the necessity to determine adverse allelic variants of the known genes along with the classical deteminants of inherited thrombophilia in everyday obstetrical practice, as it allows to sportlight individual mechnisms of development of FLS and the most commonly seen complications of pregnancy.




Alla Nikolaeva

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: alla-nikolaeva2007@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, Research Assistant, Department of Pediatric Gynecology and women´s reproductology FP and DPO

Sergey Kapustin

FGBU “The Russian Scientific Reseach Institute of hematology and transfusiology” of FMBA of Russia

Email: kapustin.sergey@mail.ru
Doctor of Biological Sciencies, Chief of Biochemistry Lab

Lyudmila Papayan

FGBU “The Russian Scientific Reseach Institute of hematology and transfusiology” of FMBA of Russia

Email: papayan@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Chief of Lab. of Blood Coagulation

Flora Kutueva

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: Flora-kutueva@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Research Assistant, Department of Pediatric Gynecology and women´s reproductology FP and DPO


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版权所有 © Nikolaeva A.E., Kapustin S.I., Papayan L.P., Kutueva F.R., 2015

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