The new cystometric index — index of bladder sensitivity




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Our analysis of the results of urodynamic studies in 341 patients with overactive bladder showed the possibility of using the new urodynamic index — the index of bladder sensitivity (IBS). IBS is calculated as the ratio of the maximal bladder capacity to bladder volume at the time of first desire to urinate. IBS values depend on the sex of the patient, the presence of involuntary detrusor contractions and urgency rate (R2 = 0,03; F = 5,80; p < 0,004). IBS value reflects the intensity of increasing of the urgency rate and can be additional criteria for urodynamic assessment the severity of overactive bladder




Salman Al-Shukri

St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

doctor of medical science, professor, head of the department. Department of Urology

Igor Kuzmin

St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

doctor of medical science, professor. Department of Urology


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