Pathogenesis and prophylaxis of chronic prostatitis (clinical and experimental study)




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The Aim of study — to investigate the pathogenetic peculiarities of inflammatory process’ development in experiment at its initiation by our offered models of chronic prostatitis reproduction at rats as well as to evaluate the clinical efficiency of pathogenetic therapy and prophylaxis for patients with chronic prostatitis with usage of Prostatilen in suppositories. Material and methods. Research is carried out on 52 not purebred white rats males. They were divided into four groups. In the 1-st group there were intact rats (n = 6). To the rats of the 2-nd group (n = 12) 0,25 ml of dymexide was entered into a rectum, to the rats of the 3-rd group (n = 13) 0,25 ml of turpentine was entered. In the 4-th group there were rats (n = 21) whom into a rectum entered a turpentine mix with dimexide on the model offered by us. In 35 days of rats deduced from experience and the macro — and microscopic investigations of prostate was performed. The clinical part of our research included the efficiency assessment of Prostatilen preventive usage at 26 men with chronic prostatitis, at the age from 18 till 47 years. According to the investigation’s data the complex treatment was carried out.. For the next 5–6 years three times per year we managed to them the 5-day courses of preventive treatment by Prostatilen. It was appointed according to the standard scheme by one suppository at night daily within five days. Results. The analysis of weight factor indicators at rats of the 4-th group (in comparison with corresponding factors in the 2-nd and 3-rd groups) testifies to heavier course of inflammatory process in this group of laboratory animals. The described changes of a microscopic picture of the prostate and vesicular seminalis glands at rats of the 2-nd, 3-rd and 4-th groups are typical for the chronic inflammation of these organs. Results of the carried-out pilot study confirm the leading role of the pathological venous hyperemia in pathogenesis of prostate gland chronic inflammation. According to the data which was received after the clinical data analysis it becomes clear that during a supervision of patients with chronic prostatitis no sign of illness activation was noted during Prostatilen therapy providing. Conclusion. Prostatitis at laboratory animals caused by our technique offer is a typical example of nonspecific inflammatory reaction in response to disorder of local hemodynamic. The complex uses of the etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy remedies in clinical practice at treatment of patients with prostatitis is necessary, as well as for the purpose of its prevention




Salman Al-Shukri

St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

doctor of medical science, professor, head of the department of Urology.

Anatoliy Gorbachev

St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

candidate of medical science, associate professor. Department of Urology

Sergey Borovets

St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

doctor of medical science. Department of Urology

Alexey Tiurin

St.-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

candidate of medical science, associate professor, Department of Urology

Igor Knyazkin

St.-Petersburg center of prostatology


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版权所有 © Al-Shukri S.K., Gorbachev A.G., Borovets S.Y., Tiurin A.G., Knyazkin I.V., 2012

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