Assessment of postoperative complications of transurethral contact pyelocalycоlithotripsy in patients with high-density stones according to the Clavien – Dindo classification




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 Improving the effectiveness of treatment of urolithiasis is a topical issue in modern urology. Despite a large number of studies on this problem, there is currently no unified algorithm for assessing postoperative complications of removal of calculi of the renal cavity system by transurethral access.

Purpose of the study: based on a retrospective analysis to adapt the classification of postoperative complications according to Clavien – Dind from 2004 to describe the complications of transurethral contact pyelocalicolithotripsy.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 211 patients with kidney stones with a density of 960 HU to 1840 HU was performed. Ultrasonic energy was used for lithotripsy. Criteria for the normal course of the postoperative period in patients have been formulated.

Results. The number of postoperative complications was calculated. The obtained data are distributed according to the corresponding gradations of the adapted Clavien – Dindо classification.

Conclusion. The improved Clavien – Dindo classification, taking into account the adaptation, can be used as an up-to-date, accessible and logical template for assessing the postoperative complications of transurethral contact pyelocalicolithotripsy.




Toirkhon Nazarov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor of the Department of Urology

俄罗斯联邦, 191015, Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya street, 41

Anisjon Tursunov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation



俄罗斯联邦, 191015, Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya street, 41

Ivan Rychkov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation



俄罗斯联邦, 191015, Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya street, 41

Magomed Ahmedov

City Polyclinic No. 71



俄罗斯联邦, 196653, Saint Petersburg, Kolpino, Pavlovskaya street, 10

Kseniya Trubnikova

Consulting and Diagnostic Center for Children


Cand. Sci. (Med.), Radiologist

俄罗斯联邦, 192289, Saint Petersburg, Oleko Dundich street, 36/2

Vladimir Nikolaev

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation



俄罗斯联邦, 191015, Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya street, 41


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版权所有 © Nazarov T., Tursunov A., Rychkov I., Ahmedov M., Trubnikova K., Nikolaev V., 2021

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