The regional anesthesia for surgical correction of the malformation of upper extremities in pediatric

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The article presents an analysis of the publications devoted to the problems of anesthesia to surgical procedures at the malformations of the upper extremity in children. The article reviews the questions of epidemiology, classification of upper extremity malformation, safety of anesthesia and the role of regional blockades in the structure of intraoperative and postoperative analgesia to surgical procedures at the malformations of the upper extremity in children. Children are more likely than adults to experience stress in the operating room and early postoperative period. Children are almost impossible to prepare psychologically for the upcoming anesthesia, surgical intervention, a sense of pain after it. Surgical correction of malformations of the upper limbs in children is characterized by multistage and high traumatism, which requires the search for adequate methods of anesthesia, capable of ensuring not only the absence of pain, but also the negative impact on the nervous system of little patients. The key to the application of regional anesthesia in young children is the need for sedation or general anesthesia. The use of ultrasound navigation and electrostimulation of peripheral nerves significantly increases the level of safety and success of their realization. At present, the questions about the duration of postoperative analgesia with the use of peripheral nerve blocks and the need for additional anesthesia in the early postoperative period have been little studied. The influence of the applied anesthesia technique on the state of young children in the postoperative period are requires further investigation.

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About the authors

Julia A. Manokhina

Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No 1

Author for correspondence.

dr. anesthesiologist, Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation No 1

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg


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