Nurses’ role in complex medical help providing while treating on type 2 diabetes-patients’



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The article provides recommendations for health care organizations about the role of diabetic nurses in management and improving the quality of care for type 2 diabetes patients. The recommended systematic approach for support and treatment of T2DM patients is based on the Chronic Care and Patient Centred Models and means that the wide range of diabetes nurses’ credentials, including initial pre-medical examination, routine monitoring of patients, decision-making on changing the routine and self care therapy, allow them to be the Case Coordinators. The above analysis allows us conclude that diabetic nurses’ management is the best practice for the early diagnosis selfcare management and complication prevention. The management of «diabetic nurses» work is analysed in detail on the example of healthcare system of Israel.




Irina Kalinina

Moscow Regional Nurses’ Public Organisation

president of Public Organisation

Anna Khasina


psychologist, coach in healthcare communication and stress management

Mariam Shpigelman

The Leumit Customer Service Center

NP МРН, Senior Nurse, Diabetes Treating specialist, Head of Chronic diseases Department Central District, Israel


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