How a nurse can help a patient overcome dentophobia?




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Although hospital visits are a necessary aspect of a healthy lifestyle, many people experience anxiety fear when they visit the dentist as well. This may be due to distressing experiences from a past visit, fear of pain or discomfort. As a result, many people avoid going to the dentist even if they have dental or jaw health problems.

Dental phobia is a serious psychological problem that can lead to avoidance of necessary medical procedures, as a consequence not only the health of the teeth and gums will suffer, but also intensify psychological disorders associated with depression and low self-confidence.




Gor Brudyan

Voskresensk Dental Polyclinic



俄罗斯联邦, 140209, Moscow region, Voskresensk, Zapadnaya str. 14

Vladislav Mikhailov

Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital


maxillofacial surgeon, dentist

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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