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卷 24, 编号 6 (2022)



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Topical theme

Prevention of vision disorders in schoolchildren computer overlooked

Slavina S., Potupchik T., Evert L., Kostyuchenko Y.


Prevention of visual impairment in people with irrational (excessive) use of a computer, the study of the clinical manifestations of the negative impact of a computer on the body and, especially, on the organ of vision, is an urgent problem of modern medicine. The article presents basic information about the structure of the organ of vision, describes the negative effects of excessive computer use, includes the clinical manifestations of computer vision syndrome and its component - dry eye syndrome, and details approaches to the prevention and treatment of visual impairment associated with the irrational use of a computer. The authors come to the conclusion that the approach to the prevention and treatment of pathological changes in the body (primarily on the part of the organ of vision) caused by the irrational use of a computer should be comprehensive, including recommendations for optimizing the mode and conditions of working with electronic computer devices, as well as the use of various ophthalmic agents (herbal and pharmacological) in a complex of preventive and therapeutic measures.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):3-8
pages 3-8 views

The level of self-esteem as a formation factor of Internet addiction among young people

Filippova V., Ostrovskaya I.


The article presents the results of a study in which we examined the phenomenon of self-assessment as a factor in the emergence of Internet addiction among young people. The research was conducted on the basis of two methods - Marilyn Sorensen’s method to determine the level of self-assesteem, Kimberly Young’s method to identify Internet addiction. The study involved 30 respondents. As a result of the analysis of answers to the questions, we conducted a correlation analysis of the data and confirmed the hypothesis – the lower the self-esteem, the higher the predisposition to Internet addiction.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Education: problems and solutions

Actual aspects of increasing the efficiency of organization of practice for students in the specialty «Nursing»

Kryuchkova A., Kondusova Y., Panina O.


The article tells about the features of organizing and conducting various types of practices for future nurses on the basis of the Institute of Nursing Education at the Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko. There are many risks that can significantly reduce the quality of training of future specialists. It is necessary to take this into account and find new approaches to improve the efficiency of the educational process. The article presents the main activities of the Institute of Nursing Education of the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko, aimed at improving the learning environment, creating comfortable and rational conditions for internships.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):13-15
pages 13-15 views

The influence of academic motivation of students of the medical and preventive faculty of usmu on the quality of education

Shamilov M.


The article considers the academic motivation of students as a guarantee of high-quality medical education. The results of a study to determine the motivation of studying at a university for 2-years students of the medical and Preventive faculty of the Ural State Medical University are presented.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Profession: theory and practice

Test nursing in ophthalmology

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):19-20
pages 19-20 views

The use of modern macrolides in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system

Skvortsov V., Rodionova I., Tagiev F., Baymankulov S.


One of the principles of effective treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases is rational antibiotic therapy. The classical requirements for an antimicrobial drug are the prescription of the drug in strict accordance with the antibiotic sensitivity of the pathogen, safety, ease of use, pharmacoeconomical parameters. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the resistance of pathogens to the most commonly used antibiotics, primarily to b-lactams, and an increase in the importance of atypical pathogens in the structure of infectious diseases. The frequency of undesirable side effects of antibiotics is also increasing, and b-lactams, primarily penicillins, are also leading here. The above reasons led to the renaissance of macrolides and to the widespread use of these drugs in outpatient practice. One of the most significant macrolides is azithromycin, which is among the most widely used antimicrobial agents in the world.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Prevention issues

Conjunctivitis and coronavirus: how to avoid eye complications after a dangerous disease

Elistratov D.


What is the relationship between conjunctivitis and coronavirus? Eye wall Inflammation is often the result of viral infections. The scientific literature describes cases when conjunctivitis has appeared as a complication of a coronavirus infection. The article describes the causes of coronavirus conjunctivitis, peculiarities of its treatment and preventive measures.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy: possibility of using BioChaga and BioDihydroquercetin in complex prevention of disease complications

Usoltseva O., Dedova N.


Objective of the study. To study the possibility of application of BioChaga and BioDihydroquercetin in the complex prophylaxis of complications of diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy in particular.

Material and methods. Analysis of literature data, reflecting the possibility of using drugs BioChaga and BioDihydroquercetin in complex prophylaxis of diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy was carried out.

Results and discussion. The progression of diabetes is associated with vascular lesions in the form of macroangiopathies and microangiopathies. Socially significant vascular complications of diabetes mellitus are retinal microangiopathy (retinopathy) and/or diabetic macular edema, which lead to progressive vision loss. These scientific studies show that dihydroquercetin and chaga have a therapeutic effect by blocking links in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Conclusion. Combined administration of BioChaga and BioDihydroquercetin may be promising in complex prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus and development of diabetic retinopathy.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Prevention of tobacco addiction in adolescents

Lopatina T.


This study presents the features of smoking behavior of adolescents and identifies the dominant types. The author has analyzed a number of scientific papers dealing with the problem of adolescent smoking, established the risk of developing chronic diseases caused by smoking, considered the issues of primary and secondary prevention.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):30-33
pages 30-33 views

The sun and its role in longevity

Havinson V., Trofimova S.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):41-44
pages 41-44 views

Without a prescription

Bee first aid kit in the work of a nurse

Vorobyeva I., Bulava E., Kalugina S.


Apitherapy as a separate branch of alternative medicine uses bee products to treat a wide range of diseases. Recently in different countries of the world there has been active research on the use of all bee products and their biological activity to prevent or treat both acute and chronic diseases.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):46-50
pages 46-50 views

A comfortable workplace is the key to health

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Page history

Meditsinskaya sestra u posteli glaznogo bol'nogo

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):51-51
pages 51-51 views

Znaki nashey pamyati

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):54-55
pages 54-55 views

Legal advice

Rabota sverkh normy rabochego vremeni

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):12-12
pages 12-12 views
pages 12-12 views

Denezhnye prizy za konkurs medsester

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):21-21
pages 21-21 views

Platnye meditsinskie uslugi v osnovnoe rabochee vremya

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):21-21
pages 21-21 views

Dopolnitel'nyy otpusk v psikhiatrii

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):34-34
pages 34-34 views

Herbs for vision


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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):11-11
pages 11-11 views


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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):18-18
pages 18-18 views


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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):20-20
pages 20-20 views


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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):45-45
pages 45-45 views


Daryashchie zrenie

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):8-8
pages 8-8 views
pages 15-15 views
pages 25-25 views

Kak tsifrovye tekhnologii menyayut oftal'mologiyu

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):40-40
pages 40-40 views

Osennie obostreniya: ne tol'ko KOVID i ORVI

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):50-50
pages 50-50 views

Knizhnyy obzor

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(6):56-56
pages 56-56 views