Formation and development of transfusiology in Russia: contribution of the Military Medical Academy

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The article materials contain historical data on the formation and development of domestic transfusiology. The first donor blood transfusion in Russia, taking into account group factors, was performed in 1919 by V.N.Shamov at the Military Medical Academy. Successful blood transfusion gave impetus to the emergence of a new scientific direction in medicine – transfusiology and the widespread introduction of blood transfusion into clinical practice. The article highlights the main stages in the development of military transfusiology, assesses the contribution of the Military Medical Academy to the improvement of its methods. The description of the scientific and organizational activities of Shamov V.N., his role in creating a system for providing the wounded and sick with canned blood with blood-substituting solutions on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War is presented. The importance for ensuring the safety of transfusion therapy of the training of medical personnel in transfusiology, the use of technologies for the preparation and conservation of transfusion agents, which most closely meet the requirements of military medical practice, is shown.

About the authors

S. P. Kaleko

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

заслуженный врач РФ, кандидат медицинских наук, полковник медицинской службы в отставке

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

A. N. Belskikh

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


член-корреспондент РАН, профессор, генерал-майор медицинской службы запаса

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

V. N. Vil’yaninov

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


доцент, полковник медицинской службы

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

G. P. Ignatovich

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


кандидат медицинских наук

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2022 Kaleko S.P., Belskikh A.N., Vil’yaninov V.N., Ignatovich G.P.

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