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Shappo V.V., Akimkin V.G., Zotkin A.V., Korotchenko S.L. - Medical control as the base of prophylaxis of morbidity of service men. Now-day «medical control» means the activity of executive officers of the medical service of the Armed Forces of RF to avoid, locate and suppress the violations of exactions of legislative acts, directive documents and sanitarium legislation of RF in the sphere of assurance of sanitarium-epidemiologic prosperity of the staff. In conditions of changing of image of the Armed Forces, proved by there’s transition to brining up to strength by under-contract service men, complication of technics, realizing of some socially purposed programs, the authors mark an increase of requirements to qualification of health professional, there’s knowledge and capability of realizing of measures of medical control on the modern level. The authors present several principal requirements in the sphere of medical control, first of all, professionalism, regularity, timeliness, conclusiveness, effectiveness, consistency, fidelity to principles. Grebenyuk A.N., Boyarintsev V.V., Sidorov D.A. - Purposes of medical service in area of assurance of toxical-radiologic defense of service men. Medical assurance of toxical-radiologic defense intends effectuating of complex of measures, oriented to preservation of life, health and military-professional working capacity in conditions of factors of chemical and radiological nature in war and piece. It demands the realizing of right medical measures, based on knowledge by military physicians of all professions about peculiarities of effectuating of chemical agents and sources of ionization radiation on person’s health. A qualified preparation in questions of toxicology and radiology permits create and use in practice of military health-care an effective system of medical assurance of toxical-radiologic defense of service men. Lobzin Yu.V., Belevitin A.B., Bulankov Yu.L., Akimkin V.G. - HlV-infection as a risk factor of professional contamination of the staff of military-medical establishments. In Military-medical academy named by Kirov S.M., 857 HIV-infectioned patients were treated. The most part of them required in reanimation and surgical treatment, at 25,6% of patients the HIV-infection was registered in stage AIDS. More than half of cases of diseases are registered for the first time. 51,1% of patients knew about their HIV-positive status, but only 16% of patients have informed doctors. Interrogation of experts shows their low epidemiological vigilance. By calculations, registration of medical traumas occurs on the average in 7,4% of cases. There is a risk professional infection. There were defined the directions of decrease of risk of professional traumatism and infection with haemocontact infections. The algorithm of emergency chemoprophylaxis of the HIV-infection in military-medical establishment is offered. Перевод В.Б. Божедомова Макет и компьютерная верстка В.В. Матиива

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