Adaptation of infantile cardiovascular system to education in cadet schools

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To study the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to the new conditions of life, 119 students of cadet school were examined, including 64 boys and 55 girls aged 10-12 years. Predictors of sinus bradycardia, detected two years before its manifestation in the surveyed, were an excessive orthostatic increase in heart rate and the duration of the maximum pause of the rhythm, exceeding the threshold for a given age values. The most significant prognostic markers for the resistance of elevated blood pressure in children were: SBP and / or DBP values і90 and Ј95 percentiles with gender, age and growth in one-stage measurements, hypertension in relatives of the first degree of kinship, excess (over 75 percentiles for this age and height) body weight. The ordered mode of organization of life activity in a cadet educational institution facilitated the rapid (within six months) adaptation of children, which resulted in an improvement in night sleep indicators, a decrease in the degree of night breathing disorder, and a decrease in the daily profile of blood pressure.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Zakharova I.N., Pshenichnikova I.I., Doroshina E.A.

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