Treatment of purulonecrotic forms of diabetic foot in multipurpose hospital unit



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Results of treatment and inspection of 278 patients with purulonecrotic complications of diabetic foot, treated in septic surgery department of 3rd Central Military-Clinical Hospital n. a. A.A.Vishnevsky during 1999—2009 are analyzed. For patients with purulonecrotic forms of diabetic foot is necessary to perform complex therapy with participation of endocrinologist and angiosurgeon, in specialized departments with the necessary medical equipment and dressing means and having experience of treatment of patients with diabetic foot, characterized with heavy and long-lasting course of disease leading to amputations. At the same time, application of gelling dressing means, iodoforms with ferment drapes for local treatment allowed to lower a level of amputations from 17,1 to12,8%, and also to reduce stay of patients in a hospital to 8 days.




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版权所有 © Belyakin S.A., Tsaryov M.I., Shandurenko I.N., 2013

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