Systemic lupus erythematosus: correlation between cutaneous manifestations of disease activity

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Results of treatment of 84 patients with systemic lupus in specialized units of the Main Military Clinical Hospital n. a. N.N.Burdenko erythematosus are performed. Subacute variant of the disease was diagnosed in 36% of patients, chronic — 64%. Active inflammation grade 1 was observed in 63% of patients, 2—3 rd class — 37%. Between changes in the skin and the degree of inflammatory activity, variant of the disease set a definite relationship. The data obtained allowed to propose a diagnostic algorithm in systemic lupus erythematosus in order to optimize the therapeutic effects.

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Copyright (c) 2012 Potekhin N.P., Filatova E.A., Fursov A.N., Gladko V.V., Orlov F.A.

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