Tracheostomy in the process of prolonged artificial pulmonary ventilation in patients with polytrauma


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One of modern tendencies of carrying out long ALV of patients with polytrauma is application of «early» tracheostomy. Thus optimum terms of «early» tracheostomy are defined indistinctly and vary from 2 to 10 days from beginning of ALV. It is established that at predicted long ALV of patients with polytrauma optimum terms of tracheostomy performance is the second period of traumatic illness (12-48 hours from the moment of getting trauma). Tracheostomyy, executed for patients with polytrauma for the purpose of maintenance long ALV in early terms, promotes improvement of gases diffusion, microcirculation in lungs, improvement of system of external breath as a whole and it is accompanied by decrease in frequency of development life danger infectious «pulmonary» complications and lethality reduction.




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版权所有 © Samokhvalov I.M., Gavrilin S.V., Badalov V.I., Nedomolkin S.V., Meshakov D.P., Khrapov K.N., Vasilyev M.A., 2011

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