Reasons for dismissal of military personnel with urolithiasis in endemic regions

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In the period 2010-2016, a stationary examination of 1208 military personnel with urolithiasis (ICD) from the endemic areas of the Middle Volga and the Republic of Tajikistan was conducted. The most active in the physical plane age group of 20-29 years are more often subject to stone formation. On average, for military service, the age of the number of patients with ICD decreases, and vice versa, there is an increase in patients aged 45 years and older - up to 10.6%, when people are more prone to a passive lifestyle, which creates the prerequisites for stone formation in the urinary tract. The transfer of patients with frequent relapses of ICD from endemic areas has proven to be an effective way to metaphylaxis of the disease. The incidence of ICD of military personnel in high altitude conditions is more dependent on exogenous factors, and in the middle mountains and lowland conditions, it depends on endogenous factors. Directions for preventing the development of nephrolithiasis have been developed, including control of nutrition and its regime, water consumption, regime, and regulation of military service.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Magomedov D.K., Tagozhonov Z.F., Teleeva G.I.

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