Features of the organization of therapeutic assistance to military personnel in the Arctic region

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Due to the remoteness of the Arctic region, its harsh climatic and geographic characteristics, difficult sanitary and epidemiological situation, as well as the peculiarities of military labor, the contribution of therapeutic pathology to the structure of the incidence of personnel is significant. For the adequate provision of therapeutic care, it is justified to conduct such activities as the re-equipping of medical units and units beyond the state with the required medical specialists, medical equipment and property, the active use of the capabilities of the remote telemedicine consultations system, the establishment of interaction with medical organizations of civil health systems of the Arctic region, as well as with medical units of other ministries and departments performing tasks in the Arctic Region.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Khalimov Y.S., Agafonov P.V., Gaiduk S.V., Chekhovskikh Y.S., Fisun A.Y.

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