Experience of using computer posturography for pre - flight and post - flight control of the functional state of the body of pilots



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The informational significance of computer posturography was determined for assessing the functional capabilities of flight personnel during pre - flight and post - flight medical examinations. Based on changes in the integral indicator of the balance function’s quality, two groups of pilots were singled out: group 1 - with worsening postural function, group 2 - with its improvement. In the 1st group, after the flight load, an increase in adaptation mechanisms’ functional tension was recorded (an increase in the total power of the heart rate variability spectrum and a deterioration in postural stability). Deterioration of postural function was accompanied by an increase in the amplitudes of oscillations of the spectrum of the posturographic signal frequencies. In the 2nd group, after the flight load, a decrease in psychoemotional stress was noted, accompanied by a decrease in the power of the shallow frequency zone of the heart rate variability spectrum and an improvement in postural stability. With the improvement of postural function, the amplitude of oscillations of the spectrum of the posturographic signal decreases. The high information content of the statokinesiogram and the stabilogram spectrum was revealed when assessing the functional state of the pilot’s body.




I. Zhiltsova

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia

N. Alzhev

The S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Email: kokalata22@rambler.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia


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