Voenno-medicinskij žurnal

Peer-review medical journal


  • Assistant professor Mikhail V. Poddubny, MD, PhD

Journal founders:

  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The Military Medical Journal is the oldest national periodical devoted to medical issues; it has been published since January 1823.

The initiative to establish the Military Medical Journal belongs to a prominent figure in military medicine in the first half of the 19th century, Chief Military Medical Inspector of the Russian Army, President of the Medical and Surgical Academy Yakov Vasilievich Villie (1768–1854).

For many years, the Military Medical Journal was the only representative of Russia's periodical scientific medical literature. Over the years, he has turned into a priceless treasury of domestic medicine, which has absorbed many generations of physicians' vast experience. Until 1917, the magazine was headed, as a rule, by well-known military doctors, professors, and prominent organizers of the military medical service: Ya.V.Villie, P.A.Charukovskii, S.F.Khotovitskii, P.A.Naranovich, E.V.Pelikan, Ya.A.Chistovich, N.I.Kozlov, S.P.Lovtsov, N.P.Ivanov, A.I.Belyaev, A.S.Tauber, I.F.Rapchevskii.

In the 20th century until 1947, the responsible editors of the magazine were M.I.Baranov, E.I.Smirnov, N.I.Zavalishin. Subsequently, the Military Medical Journal was headed by full-time editors: in 1949–1955. - V.V.Skvortsov, in 1955-1960. - D.I.Troitskii, in 1960-1968. - I.E.Karpov, in 1968-1978. - A.V.Voropai, in 1978-1992. - V.V.Belozerov, in 1992-2007. - L.L. Galin. From May 2007 to the present, the journal is headed by M.V. Poddubny.

Since 1992, the journal is an organ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Frequency - 12 issues per year, volume - six printer’s sheets. 

Subject area description. Among the regular headings of the journal «Organization of medical support of the Armed forces,» «Medicine of emergencies,» «Military medicine,» «Medical and preventive issues,» «Epidemiology and infectious diseases,» «Hygiene and physiology of military labor,» «Through the pages of foreign medical Press,» «News Feed,» etc. In recent years, the subject area of publications, as a rule, has been focused on the issues of providing medical care in the context of local wars, anti-terrorist operations, technological disasters, and natural disasters. The problems of rehabilitation of the wounded and injured in the areas of conflict are widely covered. Themed issues of the journal are regularly published.


Publication frequency:

  • monthly, 12 issues per year.


  • Open Access with no APC, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).



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Vol 345, No 8 (2024)

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Organization of medical support for the military establishment

Rehabilitation approaches to restoring the health of the navy personnel with maladaptation disorders after performing tasks in special climatic conditions
Tyagnerev A.T., Dolgikh S.V., Kirsanova A.A., Kovlen D.V., Bezkishkiy E.N., Mosyagin I.G., Sukhinin A.V.

Ensuring the economic and political independence of Russia requires the presence of the Armed Forces and civilian specialists in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions. The results are presented. studying the features of medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions, the major problems in this area, as well as developing ways to solve them. An analysis of the regulatory legal framework at the state and departmental levels for medical and psychological rehabilitation was carried out. We studied the accounting and reporting materials of sanatorium and resort organizations for 2015–2021, as well as the medical histories of military personnel who underwent medical and psychological rehabilitation. It is shown that at present this procedure is carried out only in relation to military personnel, although under the updated edition of the Russian Maritime Doctrine it also applies to the civilian component of the maritime potential, which is especially important for those working rotationally. The directions for improving the medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel and civilian specialists in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions are substantiated.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):4-10
pages 4-10 views
Causes of death of servicemen in modern warfare
Kasimov R.R., Samokhvalov I.M., Zavrazhnov A.A., Kudryashov V.V., Kovalenko S.A., Tolmachev I.A.

The preliminary causes of death on the battlefield in the cold season of 608 servicemen have been analyzed. The analysis was carried out retroactively based on reports submitted to the medical service of the compounds. According to the conditions of collecting the material, the study did not include the study of the presence/absence of personal protective equipment, the possibility of providing first and first aid and the timeliness of evacuation.The main cause of death of military personnel on the battlefield was severe combined wounds and combined injuries – 38.2%. It was not possible to determine the preliminary cause of death for 18.8% of the dead. Severe gunshot wounds to the head were in third place among the causes of death (14.1%). The greatest occurrence of damage to anatomical areas in the structure of mortal combined wounds was in the extremities (78%). Chest wounds were in the second place (58.2%), and head wounds were in the third place (53%).Due to the use of high-tech means of battle damage by the enemy, there are objective difficulties in carrying out medical care and evacuation measures on the line of fire contact, which increases the importance of early self/buddy care.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):11-16
pages 11-16 views

Treatment and prophylactic issues

Combat injuries of the subclavian-axillary arterial segment: three types of surgical control
Esipov A.V., Pinchuk O.V., Yamenskov V.V., Ivanov A.V., Ushakov S.A.

Literary data on the treatment of combat injuries in the subclavian-axillary arterial segment are summarized. Based on our own experience in providing specialized vascular care to 36 wounded with gunshot injuries of the subclavian and axillary arteries, comparative results of three methods of providing surgical care were obtained: open, endovascular and hybrid interventions. Definitive surgical care for such wounded patients should be provided in large multidisciplinary medical institutions with open reconstructive, endovascular, and hybrid surgery capabilities. Palliative methods of improving collateral blood flow for injuries of the subclavian and axillary arteries should remain in the arsenal of vascular surgery and, with adequate indications, allow one to achieve good clinical results. It is necessary to further study the results and features of various methods of surgery for hard-to-reach arterial segments with the development of specific selection criteria.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):17-23
pages 17-23 views
«De novo thrombosis» of the pulmonary artery after chest trauma
Kharitonov M.A., Salukhov V.V., Demyanenko A.V., Varavin N.A., Bezuzhkevich V.V.

The possibility of the formation of thrombosis in the pulmonary artery system «de novo» after a chest injury without connection with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities or other localization is considered, and possible pathogenetic mechanisms for the formation of such manifestations are discussed. A clinical case of «de novo thrombosis» in a wounded person after receiving a combat chest injury is presented. The need for a prospective study is substantiated in order to identify coagulation disorders in wounded patients with combat chest trauma and to develop optimal tactics for anticoagulant therapy. «De novo thrombosis» of the pulmonary artery is a pressing problem in patients with chest injuries of various etiologies, including wounded ones. To solve this problem, additional research will be required, among which, along with assessing changes in the hemostatic system, it is necessary to study the optimization of approaches to its treatment using certain groups and regimens of anticoagulant drugs.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):23-28
pages 23-28 views
Modern view of colorectal cancer screening
Minskiy R.V.

The objectives of screening are the diagnosis of early stages of cancer, the identification and timely removal of adenomatous polyps, and the goals are to reduce mortality and improve survival. The fundamental requirements for screening are low cost, safety, ease of implementation, high sensitivity, and specificity. It is necessary to separate approaches to screening in groups with average, increased and high risks of colorectal cancer. It is recommended that screening begin in average-risk patients at age 40 and continue until age 75. In patients with increased and high risks of colorectal cancer, the age at which screening begins and its frequency is determined individually, based on medical history and risk factors. When deciding whether to screen, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s individual preferences, risks, availability of tests and their cost. Colon cancer is a socially significant disease that can be effectively treated in its early stages. The feasibility of screening for colorectal cancer is undoubted, and the development of new methods for early diagnosis, identifying markers of early stages of carcinogenesis, is of great importance.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):28-35
pages 28-35 views

Epidemiology and infectious diseases

Issues of organizing immunodiagnostics of tuberculosis in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Pishchugin D.Y., Khakimov V.T., Korotchenko S.I., Presnyakov D.N.

Based on information received from the Ministry of Health of Russia and the specialized medical organization of this department, as well as information from the available literature, the article outlines the issues of training and admission of medical workers to conduct skin diagnostic tests using the tuberculosis allergen (immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis), including conducting training of paramedical personnel based on medical anti-tuberculosis organizations, the procedure for issuing, validity periods and forms of documents confirming training. Taking into account regulatory requirements, the specifics of formalizing informed voluntary consent for the immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis as a type of medical intervention have been clarified. Prospects for expanding the scope of application of immunodiagnostics of tuberculosis are presented, providing for its inclusion in the complex of medical examination of persons conscripted (entering) military service, as well as within the framework of a medical examination of military personnel.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Hygiene and physiology of military labor

Psychological and psychophysiological criteria for professional selection of aviation system operators
Babin Y.M., Yusupov V.V., Blaginin A.A., Starenchenko Y.L., Ovchinnikov D.V.

Despite the large number of studies that study the characteristics of the activities of pilots and operators of modern aviation systems, a number of problems remain unresolved related to the development and improvement of professional psychological selection of this category of military specialists. As a result of the analysis of accumulated experience in engineering psychology, ergonomics, aviation psychology, and psychophysiology, a number of psychophysiological features of the activities of aircraft operators were identified. The main psychological and psychophysiological criteria for professional psychological selection of operators of unmanned aerial systems have been identified, which contribute to improving the quality of professional training, considering the specifics and effectiveness of operator activity.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):43-50
pages 43-50 views

Air and navy medicine

Violation of spatial orientation of pilots: conditions of occurrence, signs and methods of overcoming
Lyashedko S.P., Blaginin A.A., Vovkodav V.S., Andreevsky G.V.

Violation of spatial orientation and spatial disorientation of flight personnel is a common cause of aviation accidents and disasters. The Russian state aviation provides the structure of accidents for this reason. The authors conducted a survey of flight personnel on the conditions, signs, and methods of overcoming illusions of spatial position, indicating the types and frequency of their occurrence. The survey of flight personnel identified the stages of flight performance, which are most often characterized by the development of cases of discrepancy between instrument readings and the subjective feeling of the aircraft’s position in space. The survey also identified the most informative out-of-cockpit landmarks used to identify these discrepancies, as well as the flight and navigation instruments used by the flight crew.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):51-56
pages 51-56 views
Application of machine learning technologies to diagnose fatigue among aviation personnel
Nikiforov D.A., Lukash A.A., Filatov V.N., Kalmanov A.S., Ryzhov D.I., Storozhenko I.V.

The article presents the results of developing, training and testing a machine learning model based on one of the «decision tree» algorithms and intended for automated diagnosis of fatigue in various categories of flight personnel. It is shown that the constructed model provides a fairly high accuracy of forecasting the generalized opinion of highly qualified experts regarding the functional state of the pilot (accuracy = 0.7171; F1-measure = 0.7258). The model most successfully identifies individuals with signs of fatigue (sensitivity – more than 0.9; F1-measure = 0.7786). It is noted that to form a response, only data from the analysis of heart rate variability recorded during an active orthostatic test are used. This makes it possible to reduce the time of conducting a comprehensive medical and psychological examination of a pilot to 10 minutes.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):56-65
pages 56-65 views

Военная фармация и медицинская техника

Modern approaches to the development of standards for equipping first aid kits, bags and sets of medical equipment
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Merkulov A.V., Morgunov V.A., Tikhonov A.V., Rodionov E.O.

A systematic process for the formation of a Standard for equipping first aid kits, bags and sets of medical equipment for providing first aid to military personnel is presented, based on the experience of a special military operation in Ukraine, an analysis of legislative and regulatory acts, as well as scientific literature. Detailed characteristics of the adopted Standard for equipping a first aid kit for an individual API, as well as a promising first aid kit for an API, are given. The design features of its improved design cover are described. Particular attention is paid to pairing first aid kits and medical bags with elements of combat equipment for military personnel. It has been shown that the use of first aid kits, bags and sets of medical equipment, modernized under the equipment standard, can significantly increase the survival rate of military personnel when wounded or injured when performing combat (combat training), special and other tasks.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):66-72
pages 66-72 views

Brief articles

On the history of the Military Medical Academy: the musical heritage of A.P.Borodin
Petrov R.E.

The article is devoted to the musical heritage of the professor of the Department of Chemistry of the Imperial Military Medical Academy A.P. Borodin (1833–1887), which they tried to preserve within the walls of his alma mater. This is confirmed by two events that occurred after Borodin’s sudden death – the display of his work, the opera «Prince Igor» as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the academy in 1898 and the creation of the Circle of Music Lovers in memory of the composer in 1912, the existence of which was reported unfortunately, it was subsequently forgotten.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):73-76
pages 73-76 views

Из истории военной медицины

Innovator and leader of thoracic surgery Ferdinand Sauerbruch (1875–1951) and the book of his memoirs «This Was My Life»
Bryusov P.G., Nizovoy A.V., Vasyukevich A.G.

The article provides information about the life and work of Ferdinand Sauerbruch (1875–1951), a leading German surgeon of the first half of the twentieth century, recognized as one founder of thoracic surgery, phthisiosurgery, cardiac surgery, the leader of German surgery at the beginning of the last century, and a participant in two world wars. The authors of the article set out to dwell on the life and work of Professor Sauerbruch, based on information from his description of his life path, set out in the book of memoirs «Das war mein Leben» («This Was My Life»), first translated and published in 2022 in Russia.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):77-90
pages 77-90 views


Working meeting of representatives of the medical services of the armed forces of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
Kuandykov M.G., Pchelnikov I.A., Tokmakov M.A., Igokhin A.B.

The authors present a brief report on the working meeting of the heads of the medical services of the defense departments of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the development of common approaches to the organization of medical support and the further improvement of medical support for the Troops (Collective Forces) of the organization. The participants focused on discussing the experience of conducting a special exercise for the joint formation of NBC protection and medical support known as «Barrier-2023». It was possible to outline ways to improve and develop interaction on issues of medical support for the Troops (Collective Forces) of the organization.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2024;345(8):94-96
pages 94-96 views

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