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Том 333, № 10 (2012)


О расширении функциональности медицинской информационной системы ГВКГ им. Н.Н.Бурденко

Новиков В.А., Максимов И.Б., Столяр В.П., Собакин С.Л., Иванов В.В.


The authors presented the data about the development of operativeness of medical automated information data system of CMCH n. a. N.N.Burdenko with developing and formation of control center of hospitalization, data processing center, situation room and central archives of diagnostic data. It significantly improved diagnostic and treatment processes in hospital medical and preventive association. Consolidation of dependent prevention and treatment facilities of Moscow Region will provide effective administration of medical supply of attached cohort, administration of hospital association of CMCH n. a. N.N.Burdenko and medical service of the Armed Forces of Russian Federation, in general.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):4-11
pages 4-11 views

Региональные особенности нормирования расхода антибактериальных лекарственных средств в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций

Олийнык С.П.


The authors of the article suggested the method of standardization of consumption of antibacterial medicines for liquidation of consequences of emergency situations taking into account the sanitary-epidemiologic features of region. There is presented results of calculations of consumption criteria of antibacterial drugs for liquidation of consequences of regional emergency situations of medically-biological origin on the example of the Lviv region of Ukraine.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Оказание помощи пострадавшим при взрывных травмах

Шаповалов В.М., Самохвалов И.М.


Modern organization providing medical aid to victims of explosion trauma in peace time, the success of which largely depends on the timely and professional interaction among the structures involeved into emergency relief operation is represented in the article. Content and sequence of events providing emergency medical and first medical aid to victims of the explosions, and the appropriateness of allocation affected groups, based on the predicted effectiveness of medical care is analyzed. The algorithm, currently used by ambulance crews, of assistance to victims with explosion and order evacuations is analyzed. The content of therapeutic measures in receipt of the wounded on the steps of skilled and specialized surgical care in accordance with the idea of a separation surgery on three stages (damage control). The content of the main levels of damage control orthopedics is introduced.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):18-26
pages 18-26 views

Применение однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии сердца при оценке влияния препаратов базисной терапии ишемической болезни сердца на перфузию миокарда

Свистов А.С., Сухов В.Ю., Макиев Р.Г., Аланичев А.Е.


Some new facts about the influence of different groups of drugs on myocardial perfusion were educed during the research. Educed facts conduce representation extension by matching the optimal therapy of ischemic heart disease. With the help of SPECT-scanning were educed myocardial blood flow, areas of maximal hypoperfusion and its influence on time pattern and redistribution of myocardial blood flow in patients receiving disease-modifying agents and statins. Some regularities of change of myocardial blood flow depending on applied group of drugs and peculiarities of influence of myocardial perfusion in certain time interval were revealed. Criteria with prognostic significance in prospective individual effectiveness of anti-ischemic drugs were pointed out. New approach, based on choice of anti-ischemic therapy depending on extent of influence on myocardial perfusion and also individual clinical and functional traits of patients, was applied.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):27-35
pages 27-35 views

Лечение инфекции сосудистых протезов в аортальной позиции

Белякин С.А., Пинчук О.В., Образцов А.В., Поляков И.И.


Nowadays the infection of a vascular implants in abdominal aorta is the heaviest and terrible complication in vascular surgery. Frequency of suppuration of vascular implants in aortic position is from 1 up to 3,5%, with lethality from 21 up to 80%. Average age is 61,4±4,3 years. In 6 cases, bifurcated system was infected, in other 3 — linear. From methods of tool diagnostics the certain value has fistulography. Visualization of an artificial limb at the given research is pathognomonic its attribute infection. The Most significant, exhaustive method in our supervision was a computer tomography with bolus contrast.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):36-39
pages 36-39 views

К оценке неспецифического защитного эффекта вакцинации против инфекций, актуальных для воинских коллективов

Марьин Г.Г., Груздева О.А., Валевский В.В., Цапкова Н.Н., Алексеев В.В., Соболев А.А., Соколов М.А., Сибилёв Д.В.


About the estimation of non specific protective effect of vaccination against infections actual for military personnel. Flue and other respiratory diseases morbidity of servicemen of training students are researched. Epidemiological and economic effectiveness of flue vaccine «Ваксигрип» (Vaksigrip) is estimated. Its non-specific protective effect in case of acute respiratory diseases and pyodermia is shown.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Актуальность проблемы своевременности принятия решения на аварийное покидание самолета

Корженьянц В.А., Страхов А.Ю.


The goal of the given research was actualization of an issue of promptness of making decision for evacuation of aircraft by the pilot as a method of improvement of the effectiveness of the air staff saving. The aims were review of trends in safety benefits of the air staff in case of evacuation of modern aircrafts and grounding of decision-problem of catapulting. The authors said about importance of training, medical-psychological preparation and entitlement of the air staff to flights. The need for exercise of ability and readiness for timely making decision for evacuation of aircraft steadily with piloting learned behavior is demonstrated. The authors concluded that if pilot has ill health, any emotional disturbance, negative social dominance before the flight, specialists should pay attention to it, because these factors can lead to violation of stability of psychical processes at the supreme moment and bring incorrect actions on.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Использование современных сумок медицинских в войсковом звене медицинской службы Вооруженных сил

Мирошниченко Ю.В., Гребенюк А.Н., Кононов В.Н., Минаев Д.Ю., Миляев А.В.


Modern medical wallets, accepted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a support supply, include innovative pharma products and medical goods providing effectiveness of first paramedical and first medical aid for wounded during combat training, warfighting with conventional weapon, mass destruction weapon and in case of natural and industrial disasters.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):52-58
pages 52-58 views

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):59-71
pages 59-71 views

Научно-медицинские исследования в вооруженных силах США (Обзор зарубежных интернет-публикаций)

Агапитов А.Л., Алейников С.И., Болехан В.Н., Ивченко Е.В., Крассий А.Б., Нагибович О.Л., Петров С.В., Резванцев М.В., СОЛДАТОВ Е.А., ШАЛАХИН Р.А., Шеппли Е.В.


The present review is dedicated to organization and management of medical research in the US Armed Forces. At the beginning of the review a brief description of the US Armed Forces and their medical services is presented. Then the main research organizations are successively presented: in the first part — from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, in the second — from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, in the third through fifth — from the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and US Coast Guard. In conclusion the current state of the US Armed Forces scientific research is appraised.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Факультету подготовки врачей (для Ракетных и Сухопутных войск) Военно-медицинской академии имени С.М.Кирова — 70 лет

Швец В.Л., Цветков С.А., Овчинников Д.В., Деев Р.В.


The article is dedicated to the history of the one of educational units of the Kirov Medical Academy. Department of training of physicians (for Missile Forces and Army) traces its origins to 1942 published in the resolution of the State Committee of Defense of the USSR, but in fact is the successor to hospital schools in the land and the Admiralty hospitals.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):79-81
pages 79-81 views

Становление и развитие медицинской службы Терского казачьего войска в XIX — начале XX в

Ахмадов Т.З.


The article is dedicated to one nor enough investigated question of medical supplement of irregular Cossak army in North Caucasus in XIX — beginning XX c. The role of the government and cossaks in formation and development of medical service in Terek Cossak Army is showed. Characteristic pecularities of health care of mountain population after administrative development of the district by Tsar Russia. The author underlined that despite the disadvantages, medical service of Terek Cossak Army and Terek district in described period was right developing system of medical care for irregular army and population.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Становление и развитие врачебнолетной экспертизы в Филиале № 1 Главного военного клинического госпиталя им. Н.Н.Бурденко

Есипов А.В., Цыганок В.Л., Вартбаронов Р.А.


The history of formation and development of branch № 1 FSI «Main Military Clinical Hospital n. a. N.N.Burdenko of the Ministry of Defense of the RF» is described in the article. The hospital celebrates in this year the 65-years anniversary of scientific and medical activity in the field of military clinical medicine, aviation clinical medicine and a fight-surgeon’s examination. The leading historical role of this establishment in support of flight safety, combat readiness and anti-aircraft rocket troops is shown, and then last 10 years and in Air Forces of Russia, and also the basic achievements of branch in successful scientific and medical activity from 1946 till present time are given. Prospects of the further development of this branch are substantially connected to the increase of intensification of research works together with leading military-medical establishments of an aviation profile: Institute of Military medicine of Military-medical Academy, the Central flight-surgeon commission and 3 branch of FSI «3 Central military Clinical Hospital MD RF» etc., — in solution of the large state problem of decrease of accident rate and rising of a medical flight safety of the RF State aviation.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):88-92
pages 88-92 views

Второй Европейский конгресс по военной медицине

Власов А.Ю., Гребенюк А.Н., Холиков И.В.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(10):93-96
pages 93-96 views

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