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Vol 331, No 6 (2010)


Normative and legal aspects of medical maintenance of the persons occupied on works with toxic chemicals, concerning to the chemical weapon

Belevitin A.B., Grebenyuk A.N., Musiychuk Y.I., Sidorov D.A.


In article the existing lows and other legislation acts of state regulation in the field of medical maintenance of the works connected to destruction of toxic chemicals concerning to the chemical weapon is analysed. Features of carrying out of medical examinations and expertise of diseases at the soldiers and officers occupied on these works are submitted. The conclusion that the existing legislation acts allows to carry out qualitative medical service of the personnel of objects of storage and destruction of the chemical weapon, the military men occupied on works with toxic chemicals and the inhabitants living in sanitary-protective zones is made.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Changes of dynamics of the lymph production after the cannulation of the thoracic duct

Rozhkov A.G., Karandin V.I., Perekhodov S.N., Tsarev M.I., Nagaev R.M.


An adequate cannulation of the thoracic duct is always accompanied with appropriate dynamics of the lymph production. As a result, the daily output of lymph increases from 2,0 to 2,2 times during 4-5 days. To find out the reasons of the lymph production changes were examined 57 patients with acute purulent inflammatory diseases of abdominal and thoracic organs. It was determined that the lymph production change is conditioned by 2 factors: the first is the stopping of the flow into venous vessels via lympho-venous anastomosises of the thoracic duct, lymphatic trunks and large lymphatic vessels. It leads to a mobilization of the greater part of lymph in lymphatic vessels. The second is the speeding-up of lymph production.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):9-16
pages 9-16 views

Psychic condition of men called up for military service

Nikitin A.E., Kostin D.V., Shamrey V.K., Ganapolsky V.P., Milyutin S.G.


Authors analyzed psychic sick rate of selectees for the last 12 years according to data studying of Saint Petersburg military registration and enlistment offices obtained in 1996-2008. It has been established that it is connected with social stress phenomena in consequence of global changes occurring in society. Neurotic and personal disturbances dynamic is similar to neuropsychic instability level dynamic, revealed in selectees by specialists of occupational psychological selection of military registration and enlistment offices.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):17-19
pages 17-19 views

Condition of the microbiocenosis of the intestinal tract of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and the methods of its correction

Kuchmin A.N., Rezvan V.V., Evsyukov K.B., Fomin A.A., Karshieva A.V., Butikov V.P.


Violation of qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of the intestinal tract has a negative effect on the body and conduces to formation of pathosis. As a result of our study we have the date which confirmed the relevance between the functional status of hepatobiliary system, status of lipid exchange and violations of the microflora of the large intestine. Therefore, apparently, that the preservation and sustentation of normal microflora of the intestinal tract are the most important components determining the health status of the person and microecologycal approaches to the understanding of the development of the pathosis can be the starting point of the creation of new methods of treatment.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Acute mesenteric lymphadenitis: modern approaches to differential diagnostics and a choice of tactics of treatment (Review of literature)

Yesipov A.V., Kislenko A.M., Eryashev F.A., Bespalko V.I., Shmakov S.N.


The problem of diagnostics acute mesenteric a lymphadenitis is actual and till now not solved. Use laparoscopy techniques in differential diagnostics of acute surgical diseases of an abdominal cavity has opened new prospects. Acute mesenteric the lymphadenitis in clinical practice can be surveyed as a polyetiological syndrome of the enlarged mesenteric/lymph nodes. If acute mesenteric the lymphadenitis is implication of infectious diseases medicament therapy is spent. A biopsy of a lymph node with the subsequent histological research at an infectious disease not informative. At verification of tubercular, oncology and autoimmune diseases is the basic method of diagnostics.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Modem features of epidemiology and prophylaxis of a yellow fever

Lyashenko N.I., Lukin E.P.


At the beginning of 21 century endemic areas of yellow fever are in tropical forests of Africa and South America, covering 43 countries of the around the world. In a period of 11 years 2005 citizens from 14 countries of Africa and 871 citizens from 8 countries of South America were taken ill with of a yellow fever. On the both continentals were observed distinct, limited (no more than 40 people) ictuses of urban of a yellow fever related to mosquito Aedes aegypti. Still, the total mortality is high -up to 35%. The systems of epidemiological surveillance and informational connection are created; the live vaccine in sufficient amount for general is delivered to the hot spots of disease. Civil wars and ethnic conflicts hinder the introduction of compulsory vaccination in national calendars of the inoculation of children in endemic countires. Because of it the vaccination is realized slowly: nowadays the vaccination is introduce in 19 among 25 countries of Africa with high risk of disease.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Brief reports

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):36-56
pages 36-56 views

From the foreign medical publications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):57-61
pages 57-61 views

Role of the 33rd distributing evacuation station in medico-evacuational covering of the forces during the Great Patriotic war

Belevitin A.B., Shelepov A.M., Leonik S.I.


This article is concerned with the arrangement offormation of the administration of 33-rd distributing evacuation station and organization of its evacuation work of casualties from hospital bases of West front lines to the hospitals in back land and also the main tasks of its subunits and units. The way of hospital trains performance, the amount of the hauls during the years of the work, average duration of one haul and average speed in kilometers, the amount of transferred casualties including litters.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):62-65
pages 62-65 views

Experience of organization of supply of troops of the Red Army by medical property during the Great Patriotic war

Miroshnichenko Y.V., Goryachev A.B., Bunin S.A.


The article presents historical aspects of organization of medical supply of the Red Army during pre-war period and during the Great Patriotic war. Studying of experience of military medicine shows that it’s results depended not only upon organization of functioning of system of supply the troops by medical property, but also upon the work of specialists of medical supply. Various conclusions, made on the base of generalizing of results of activity of different institutes of medical supply in condition of combat actions, are actual for now-day level of development of system of medical supply of the Armed Forces of RF.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):66-72
pages 66-72 views

Famous scientist and organizer of the surgical service of Military air forces

Yamenskov V.V., Buntyakov S.A.


The article is concerned with the biography of professor, Doctor of Medicine Petr Lazarevich Seltsovsky (1898-1961), who was surgeon-in-chief of Air "Force during the Great Patriotic War. He enunciated suggestions about the problems of surgery during his service in Air Force in his scientific works «

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Delivery of the surgical measure to the casualties with injuries of great vessels

Perekhodov S.N., Kokhan E.P., Glyantsev S.P., Galik N.I.


According to consolidated data the frequency of injuries of blood vessels during the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945 was 2,3-4,9%. In the first and the second period of the war the temporary hemostasia on the battlefield was delivered via surgical tubing, tamponade or compressing bandage; the final - via deligation of the arteries in the wound or overlap of hemostatic clamp or the amputation was performed. In the process of delivering of the knowledgeable medical assistance garrot was removed, traumatonesis was performed and the final hemostasia was performed via vasoligation in the wound or along it, than transfused. In some hospitals were organized special units for patients with injuries of vessels. In the third period of the war the main method of primary and secondary hemostasia was vasoligation in the wound or along it. The vessel suture was performed rarer than in the first and the second period. The methods of treatment and prophylaxis of complicaton of vessel’s injury were examined.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):78-81
pages 78-81 views

Medicine of Belarus during the war

Tishchenko E.M.


The article is devoted to military and civilian health care in the territory of Belarus during the Great Patriotic war. Because of rapid movement of Nazi forces through the territory of Belarus deployment of forces and medical units was defeated. So in July 12 1941, general shortage of medical personnel on the Western front was 50%. Health Service of guerrilla was also staffed by isolated persons of military medical units. Medical Service of the Red Army played a decisive role in restoring of public health service and in elimination of the epidemic threat in the liberated from Nazi territory of Belarus.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):82-85
pages 82-85 views

From the history of Sochi’s Research Balneary Institute

Artyukhov S.A.


The article is concerned with the history of Sochi’s Research Balneary Institute during the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945. This institute played great role in successful treatment of casualties and ill military men in Sochi’s hospital base. This base admitted 335 thousand of casualties and ill military men, more than 73% out of them were returned to the combat army. For the deed of the mercy, accomplishing during the war by medical workers and all citizens, Sochi was awarded the Order of The Patriotic war of the 1-st Class.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):86-89
pages 86-89 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(6):90-91
pages 90-91 views
pages 92-96 views

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