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Том 331, № 8 (2010)


Теоретические и прикладные аспекты применения формулярной системы в военном здравоохранении

Белевитин А.Б., Мирошниченко Ю.Б., Горячев А.Б., Бунин С.А., Красавин К.Д.


Development of the medicamental aid in military medicine can be realized only through the introduction of the formulary system. This system forms the informative-methodological basis of the achievement of socially necessary level of drug usage. On the basis of medical standards and analysis of sick rate the formulary of pharmaceuticals which can help to reduce the nomenclature of applying drugs, improve efficiency of medicamental aid is worked out. Medical service of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has an experience in the development of formularies, but it is early to speak about the introduction of the formulary system into routine of military medicine. Development of the medicamental aid in military medicine on the basis of the formulary system will conduce to satisfying of medical and social requirements of servicemen, military retiree and members of their families.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Использование возрастных морфологических изменений кожи при судебно-медицинской экспертизе частей расчлененных трупов

Савенкова Е.Н., Ефимов А.А.


Age-related structural changes of skin of a neck, back, buttock, hip and forearm are investigated. The most expressed age changes characterizes parameters of factor reduction skin, thickness of epidermis, papillary and mesh layers of derma, depths of an arrangement grease and swear glands which have been used at creation of the equations plural regress for definition of age on each investigated site of an integument separately for men and women. The suggested method can be used at examination dismembered bodies, as for definition of age, and an belonging of separate parts to one corpse.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):11-13
pages 11-13 views

Исходы базисной терапии ревматоидного артрита

Белевитин А.Б., Тыренко В.В., Григорьева О.А.


Retrospective comparative analysis of therapy of the rheumatoid arthritis was undertaken. The following variants of antiphlogistic prescription: inactive tactics (long-lasting administration of one medicine), tactics of protracted treatment (separate courses of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs with long breaks between them), tactics of first aid (at the beginning «passive treatment», after the appearance of complications begun active therapy with cytostatics); tactics of pyramid (the order of the prescription of medicines corresponds to classical strategy of baseline therapy with short breaks during the treatment), tactics of active therapy (the early beginning of baseline therapy with consistent change of medicine); effectiveness and safety of long-lasting administration of antiphlogistic in complex therapy of the rheumatoid arthritis.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Нефропротекция у больных гипертонической болезнью: возможности комбинированной блокады ренинангио-тензинальдостероновой системы

Качнов В.А., Тыренко В.В., Никитин А.Э., Синопальников Д.О., Кольцов А.В.


Reninangiotensinaldosterone system is a key link in regulation of blood pressure and causes the target organ damage in hypertensive patients. For many years is not lost interest in the pharmacological blockade of RAAS in order to achieve target levels of BP and prevent damage target organs, particularly kidneys. Most recently recommended for clinical application of direct rennin inhibitor - aliskiren, a number of reseaeches have proven expressed nephroprotective effect. However, at present there is no unequivocal answer to the question whether there are advantages in combined RAAS blockade in hypertensive patients with use of aliskiren and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Комплексный подход к лечению пациентов с грыжами диска пояснично-крестцового отдела позвоночника

Чехонацкий А.А., Чехонацкая М.Л., Шарова Е.В., Тома А.С.


21 patients with lumbosacral osteochondritis and diskal hernia were treated. Diagnosis was verified with the help of radiological method. The spinal motion segment after the hernia excision was fixed with the help of fixator with the shape memory for the prevention of post-operation instability. Thioctic acid showed the high effectiveness in complex treatment of radiculopathy.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Состояние информированности лиц допризывного возраста по проблемам инфекций, передаваемых половым путем

Лосева О.К., Торшина И.Е., Пузенко Т.Л.


The necessity for examination of the level of youth awareness about the ways of transmission, safety products and prevention of sexually-transmitted infections is approved. It is recommended to begin the sexual education of scholars since 11-12 years. Development of the educational programs must be based on results of analysis of systematic questionnaire of scholars.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):29-32
pages 29-32 views

Проблемные аспекты медицинского освидетельствования на наличие ВИЧ-инфекции у граждан, подлежащих призыву на военную службу

Акимкин В.Г., Паршин М.Ж., Земляков С.В.


The article is concerned with the verification of the medical examination for HIV-infection in the youth of conscription age. Negative epidemiologic situation with HIV-infection and drug habituation increases the number of draftees unfitted for service for reasons of health. The data of analysis of structure and dynamics of detection of HIV positive people of conscription age during 1999-2008 was quoted: the main contingent was people from the territorial subject of Russian Federation with the highest index of HIV-infection prevalence. Introduction of obligatory medical examination for HIV-infection in the youth of conscription age can successfully prevent its spread among the military personnel. In this case expenses for the laboratory examination for HIV-infection of the whole draft contingent of Russian Federation will be lower than for alimentation, treatment and the following discharge of HIV positive servicemen.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):33-37
pages 33-37 views

Факторы риска заболеваний у допризывной молодежи и программа оздоровительных мероприятий

Садыков Ф.А., Кильдебекова Р.Н., Мингазова Л.Р.


The study of the fitness for military service in the Republic of Bashkortostan according to the medical examination results has shown that the common morbidity in draft-age adolescents increased in four times. More significant risk factors determining the growth of chronic non-infectious diseases in adolescents were found to be low physical activities (79,3%), alcohol consumption (75,2%), smoking (52,8%), lack night sleeping (23,1%). A trend of increasing in risk factor prevalence and its age association were noted. The development sanitation programme of adolescents has shown the high efficiency in the formation of a healthy life.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Диагностика и коррекция вегетативных дисфункций у летного состава

Годило-Годлевский В.А., Наговицын А.В., Евсеева Н.Д., Москаленко С.Н.


The article is concerned with the topical issue of aeromedicine - diagnosis and correction of the vegetative dysfunction of the aircrew. Causative factors leading to the dysfunction are discussed. Clinical and instrumental methods of the valuation of vegetative status and vegetative supporting of activity are studied. The data of researches is represented; the possibility of the correction of elicited variant of the vegetative dysfunctions with the help of drug and drug-free modalities is evaluated.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):42-42
pages 42-42 views

Краткие сообщения

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):45-71
pages 45-71 views

По страницам зарубежной медицинской печати

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):72-76
pages 72-76 views

Из истории подготовки фармацевтических специалистов для армии в России

Воронков О.В.


Demand of the army for the pharmaceutical specialists conduced to the organization of the training of the highly qualified Russian specialist. The first licensed specialists didn’t have military education but were drafted into the army. As military-medical service advanced, it was found that military-medicine service needed not just druggists, but the organizers of military-medical supply. They should know military science, should be able in peace-time and in time of war to supply with all necessary the first aid actions and treatment of the wounded and ill. As a result of this, in the 20 h century was founded and successfully worked the system of military pharmaceutists training and staff development and even with military education.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):77-85
pages 77-85 views

Центру государственного санитарно-эпидемиологического надзора Черноморского флота - 75 лет

Гончаров Г.В., Брашков А.А.


The history of the Centre of the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of Black Sea Fleet begun in the 1 April 1935 when the sanitary-epidemiological laboratory was founded. The article is concerned with the different stages of vivid development of this institute during 75 years. During this period organization, establishment and the name were changed many times. Since 2002 it got the current name and represents the scientific-methods institution which can solve the issues of sanitary-hygienic and antiepidemic supply of military personnel of the navy. Special attention is given to the high-readiness force.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):86-88
pages 86-88 views

Официальный отдел

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2010;331(8):89-93
pages 89-93 views
pages 94-96 views

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