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卷 332, 编号 12 (2011)


Analysis of the use of field medical units in the armies of NATO and Russian Armed Forces

Kornyushko I., Yakovlev S., Murashev N., Sidorov V., Medvedev V., Matveyev A.


An analysis of medical services of NATO and the Medical Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of modern technology deployment stages of medical evacuation (tents, inflatable structures, shelters, containers, medical armored vehicles, cars, etc.) is presented. Examples of their usage in isolated employment, usage in the group as a mobile medical stations and field hospitals in various conditions, the prospects and directions of development of technical means deployment of medical service are given.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):4-14
pages 4-14 views

Status and Problems of postgraduate training of medical staff of Disaster Medicine Service

Ryabinkin V.


An analysis of the postgraduate training of doctors of Disaster Medicine Service in the central and local training bases in the federal districts of Russian Federation in 2010 is performed. It was concluded that the existing Department of Emergency Medicine and mobilization training and health education can not reach those who need further training. It was proposed to create on the basis of a FSI VTSMK «Protection» Institute of Emergency Medicine to improve the training of doctors, training and methodological support of teaching and training of the teaching staff.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Bifurcation coronari stenting guided bi intravascular diagnosnic tools

Ivanov V., Belyakin S., Mayskov V., Ivanov A., Smirnov V., Permyakov S.


Results of coronary bifurcation stenting guided by intravascular diagnostic tools were searched. 85 patients took part in the study, there were generated two groups. In the research group intravascular ultrasound of main vessel has revealed stent malapposition in 97,6%. Fractional flow reserve of jailed side branch ostium is less then 0,75 in 7,1% only, despite of the average 78±4% narrowing. Severe cardiac events in research group during long term clinical follow-up were better in research group: 6,9% vs 32,5% (p<0,05).
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):20-22
pages 20-22 views

About the improvement of urologic care for soldiers with erectile dysfunction

Shestayev A., Savchenko I., Kushnirenko N., Kushnirenko K., Pitomtsev I., Skiba M., Jancev A.


Organizational concepts of improvement of urological aid given to military men with erectile dysfunction. The reasons for insufficiency of urological aid rendered to military men with erectile dysfunction were established. The algorithm of its diagnostics was developed. Complete and reduced volume of urological aid with reference to the existing medical and diagnostic capacities of military medical and preventive treatment facilities has been developed. Organizational concepts of improvement of urological aid given to the patients with erectile dysfunction have been determined.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):23-29
pages 23-29 views

Military activities of outpatient clinics to ensure the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population

Merezhkin A., Zotkin A., Mits N., Rozhnov Y.


The article describes the experience of the military outpatient institutions in providing sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the attached troops and medical staff The list of activities implemented in practice of this trend is lead up, suggestions for the improvement are given.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Brief reports

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):34-54
pages 34-54 views

From the foreign medical publications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):55-56
pages 55-56 views

Lessons from the organization of medical support during the Battle for Moscow

Shelepov A., Kryuchkov O.


The problems of organizing of medical support for troops during all stages of this war - defensive operations and counter-offensive strategic operations are considered. Analyzed errors and mistakes made in the course of medical support of combat operations of the fronts that participated in the battle for Moscow. The article traces the solutions of the problems encountered and assess the results of translating these decisions into practice. Particular attention is paid to problems of organization of work as a hospital base fronts and armies, and the medical units and divisional managers, as well as management of medical service, evacuate the wounded and sick, the dynamics of formation of the provision of specialized medical care and anti security forces.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Front Roads of Professor Kuzmin M.K. (the 70th anniversary of the Battle for Moscow)

Nikolayev V.


The article is a biographical sketch about the veteran and invalid of Great Patriotic War, the holder of many military decorations, honorary citizen of several cities in the battles for which he was involved, a prominent historian of medicine, doctor of medical sciences, professor Mikhail Kuzmin (19202010). Over the years of scientific and teaching life professor M.K.Kuzmin published over 300 scientific publications, including 9 monographs, textbook of the history of medicine, published lectures, and manuals.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Ivan Stepanovich Kolesnikov - «General of Surgery» (the 110th anniversary of his birth)

Kotiv B., Karpovich V.


The article is devoted to the 110th anniversary of outstanding surgeon, scientist and educator, academician of the USSR Ivan Stepanovich Kolesnikov. During the Great Patriotic War - he was an army surgeon on the Central Front, and then - in Leningrad. As one of the pioneers of thoracic surgery, the first in the Soviet Union began to apply the resection of pulmonary tuberculosis, cancer, and acute and chronic suppurative diseases of the lung and pleura, reflecting the experience of more than 4,000 thousand operations in numerous monographs and published in 1960, major work, «Resection light»». On his initiative in 1961 was the first in the Soviet Union an independent chair of the thermal lesions, and in 1964 - the country’s first intensive care unit and intensive care. He published over 200 papers on topical issues of surgery, including 28 monographs. Under his leadership were trained 25 Ph.D. and 43 master’s theses.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):68-69
pages 68-69 views

Contribution of Academician V.D.Belyakov to the development of epidemiological science and medical education

Belov A., Ishkildin M., Ogarkov P.


The paper analyzes life and scientific legacy of academician and professor of Natural Sciences, Major-General of the Medical Service Vitaly Dmitrievich Belyakov (1921-1996). The outstanding epidemiologist made a valuable contribution to the training of personnel for the military medical service and health of the country, as well as the improvement of anti-epidemic support for the troops and the navy and the country’s population. Academician V.D.Belyakov is considered as one of the giants of the domestic medicine dedicated their lives to the development of epidemiological science and preventive work in Russia.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):75-75
pages 75-75 views

Criticism and bibliography

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):76-77
pages 76-77 views

List of the articles, printed in «Military-Medical magazine» in 2011

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):78-91
pages 78-91 views

Alphabetic list of autor

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(12):92-96
pages 92-96 views
