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卷 342, 编号 2 (2021)


Experience in conducting restrictive measures in the health resort organization of the Ministry of Defense due to the new coronavirus infection COVID-19

Trishkin D., Dolgikh S., Azarov I., Kirsanova A., Ostroukhov A., Sobolev A., Kuznetsov V.


The article presents the experience of military health - resort organizations in the Moscow region in carrying out regime - restrictive measures against personnel at risk for COVID-19 and transferring institutions to function as observers. In these conditions, one of the most effective anti - epidemic measures is isolation and medical monitoring of persons who have arrived from epidemically negative territory and those who have been in contact with patients to medical organizations located outside large settlements (health resorts and recreation centers). The period of preparation of the institution for the transition from daily activities to work under observation conditions is from 3 to 7 days, considering the purchase and receipt of additional specific property and equipment. Due to the impossibility of obtaining the required amount of particular property and equipment in a short time during the epidemic, it is necessary to create stocks of expendable and inventory property of a sanitary and anti - epidemic orientation. The use of health - resorts as observators seems to be promising given medical personnel and medical facilities’ availability. The service of houses and recreation centers with existing medical centers, reinforced by additional medical personnel, allows you to form further bed capacity reserves for a particular period.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):4-13
pages 4-13 views

The current state and the main directions of improving the drug supply for students in military pre - university educational organizations

Miroshnichenko Y., Golubenko R., Krasilnikov M., Dukelskaya N.


The role of drug supply in preserving and strengthening the health of pupils of pre - university educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense is shown. The results of the analysis of the current state of their drug supply are presented, and the main directions of its improvement are determined. The characteristics of approaches to the choice of drugs for subsequent inclusion in the developed standards for the supply of medical equipment to military pre - university educational organizations are given. The activities of medical (pharmaceutical) specialists should be aimed at each student, who should receive all the necessary drugs in a dosage corresponding to individual requirements for an adequate period at the lowest possible cost.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):13-19
pages 13-19 views

On the question of the term «tactical medicine»

Kozolup A.


Based on the study of open literary sources, the subject content, definition, and relation of the term «tactical medicine» to the system of terms existing in modern domestic military medicine have been investigated. The sources of the appearance of this term and its understanding by various authors are analyzed. The term «tactical medicine» makes sense to use only as a synonym for the phrase «first aid on the battlefield» to emphasize the algorithms for providing this assistance. The conducted research has shown the foreignness of the term and the inexpediency of its use.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):20-24
pages 20-24 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):24
pages 24 views

Biological control of correspondence as a tool for countering postal bioterrorism

Makeikin E., Kanaev K., Batinov D., Shilo N., Rossoshanskaya N.


To identify the facts of pathogenic biological agents’ use, biological control of postal correspondence is required. Devices and technological equipment must ensure their detection by a non - destructive method in minimal (safe for personnel) quantities, be fast, provide information content - obtain the amount of information necessary for deciding on the presence of pathogenic biological agents in postal mail and, if possible, its identification, have minimum auxiliary equipment. Conducting biological control of mail correspondence does not exclude the risk of personnel infection due to the release of pathogenic biological agents that may be in the items, which necessitates the search for the most effective methods for ensuring mail correspondence’s physical safety.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):25-30
pages 25-30 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):30
pages 30 views

Intrahospital ischemic stroke in the military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense

Kolomentsev S., Litvinenko I., Emelin A., Voznyuk I., Tsygan N., Savello A., Khlystov Y., Topunov E., Shermatyuk E.


The study aimed to systematize diagnostic and therapeutic measures for in - hospital ischemic stroke and develop directions for improving medical care organization for patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents of ischemic type in military medical organizations. Thirty - five cases of in - hospital ischemic stroke (2014-2019) were retrospectively studied. The average age (28 men and seven women) was 68.9±11.1 years. In 25.7%, stroke development time exceeded 6 hours; in 28.6%, it was impossible to determine its development. The mortality rate was 34.3%. Early diagnosis of pathology makes it possible to increase the frequency of using reperfusion treatment methods, increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, and reduce in - hospital mortality. The solution of organizational issues in assisting such patients for military medical organizations that do not have staff forces and means for treating stroke consists of close cooperation with civil health organizations. Another direction is the development of internal instructions on the procedure for providing medical care to patients with in - hospital stroke, which will ensure that patients receive appropriate assistance and medical workers at all levels - legal protection.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Integrated implantology with the use of digital dental and X-ray equipment in outpatient practice

Zherebtsov A., Krainyukova L.


The study aimed to assess the possibility and effectiveness of using digital technologies while installing an implant in a dental clinic. The treatment process algorithm utilizing the technology of integrated implantology on the DENTSPLY SIRONA company’s equipment has been compiled. Based on a clinical example, the stages of diagnosis and treatment have been developed using integrated implantology technology. The technology provides an optimal and comfortable process for treating patients. It allows for high - quality diagnostics, with maximum accuracy to draw up a treatment plan, objectively monitor the treatment process, and achieve high functional and aesthetic results. By saving the dentist’s time, the cost of treatment is reduced.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Focal infection and the course of chronic dermatoses: a modern view of the problem

Patrushev A., Samtsov A., Sukharev A.


The formation of the theory of focal infection in the world is considered, including the contribution of scientists from the Military Medical Academy. S.M.Kirov. From the standpoint of modern knowledge in immunology, microbiology, and genetics, the pathogenetic mechanisms of the possible influence of foci of chronic infection on skin disease development are analyzed. The article presents our research results within the framework of custom research work, which showed a significant effect of foci of chronic infection on the course of psoriasis, lichen planus, and atopic dermatitis. New data have been obtained regarding immune disorders in the case of an association of foci of chronic infection and skin disease, namely, the activation of specific subpopulations of lymphocytes (T-NK cells, CD3 + HLA-DR +, CLA + CD4 +), a decrease in the number of regulatory T cells, and increasing the level of IL-8 in the blood. It has been shown that the remediation of a chronic infection significantly reduces the likelihood of recurrence of chronic dermatoses.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):45-52
pages 45-52 views

Diagnosis, treatment, and medical examination of military personnel with familial hypercholesterolemia

Pomogaibo B., Kryukov E., Chaplyuk A., Sergienko I., Ezhov M., Chernov S., Shakhnovich P.


The probable number of military personnel of the Armed Forces with a heterozygous form of familial hypercholesterolemia is more than 2 thousand people. This pathology requires an interdisciplinary approach and the introduction of a universal algorithm of treatment and prophylactic measures for patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, taking into account the peculiarities of the activities of military medical organizations, as well as adapting the requirements of national recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia in military health practice. The basis of its successful treatment is the correction of atherosclerosis risk factors and lifestyle modification, categorical smoking cessation (both active and passive), elimination of excess body weight under the supervision of a specialist, blood pressure control, dosed and accessible physical activity (30-minute walk, cycling at least five times a week) under the control of heart rate and blood pressure and in the absence of contraindications. Survey of military personnel must be carried out, taking into account the severity of atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries and the functional state of the organs supplied to them by blood, compensation for impaired lipid metabolism with available lipid - lowering drugs. Expert opinion on the category of fitness for military service is made during the development of clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):53-60
pages 53-60 views

On the issue of assessing the chemical safety of the territories of the former launch sites for silo - based intercontinental ballistic missiles

Chistyakov S., Semenova O., Tarabara A., Ryabova T., Smirnova S., Khudyakova O., Shashkova O.


An assessment of the territories’ chemical safety for the placement of silo launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles after the complete elimination of missile systems and the reclamation of their sites has been carried out. At eight reclaimed sites, samples of environmental objects were taken, and their chemical - analytical study was carried out. It was found that the components of rocket fuel, heavy metals, 3,4-benzo(a)pyrene, and petroleum products were absent in the studied samples or were in quantities not exceeding the maximum permissible. The arsenic content in all samples exceeded the maximum permitted concentration. It is concluded that the sites of the former mine launchers littered with municipal and construction waste are objects of increased chemical hazard and environmental risk, which requires urgent ecological restoration work. Strengthening supervision over the ecological and sanitary conditions of the sites of the former silo launchers is critical.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):61-65
pages 61-65 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):65
pages 65 views

Use of anticospecial plasma from healthy vaccinated people in the treatment of patients with severe coronavirus infection

Tryshkin D., Kryukov E., Chernetcov V., Chernov S.


The lack of effective etiotropic drugs against the new coronavirus infection has forced researchers around the world to look for other means of exposure to SARS-CoV-2. One such method is the introduction of immune plasma from those with a new coronavirus infection, COV1D-19. It is shown that the use of plasma reconvalescence in the early stages of the disease leads to a rapid regression of clinical symptoms of the disease, reduces the number of patients in need of artificial ventilation. But the high titer of antiviral antibodies is not all affected. With the advent of the domestic vaccine, it was possible to obtain immune plasma from vaccinated individuals. The article presents the world’s first experience of the introduction of anticospecies plasma, obtained from healthy people vaccinated with the domestic vaccine «Gam-COVID-Vac».
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):66-68
pages 66-68 views

Possibilities of arthroscopic interventions in the treatment of the knee joint contractures after arthroplasty

Davydov D., Brizhan L., Artemev A., Bolotnikov M.


The experience of the surgical treatment of 57 patients with contractures of the knee joint after arthroplasty is presented. One of the results of the work was the optimization of the surgical technique of arthroscopic intervention. The access points were not standard ports for introducing instruments, but modernized ones, designed considering the changed anatomy after knee replacement. The use of arthroscopic arthrolysis made it possible to increase the range of motion in the study group’s patients from 48.1±20° to 94.2±9.5° during the year.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):68-70
pages 68-70 views

Comprehensive medical rehabilitation of patients after fractures of the femoral neck and endoprosthetics

Ishchuk D., Shchegolkov A., Pavlov A., Peshekhonov E., Shakula A.


The modern methodological approaches to the personified complex medical rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the femoral neck who underwent arthroplasty are presented. The results obtained are presented. The work is based on data analysis from the rehabilitation of 60 patients aged 60 to 94 years. Long - term outcomes were traced in 12-24 months. In the leading group, positive results were 83.3% in the control group - 46.6%. The introduction of personalized programs of complex medical rehabilitation using kinesiotherapy into clinical practice for this category of patients made it possible to improve its results and improve patients’ quality of life.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):71-72
pages 71-72 views

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of psychotherapy in the complex spa treatment

Antonov P., Sitnikov O., Vikulin S., Klyus E.


The results of individual and group psychotherapy in the complex health - resort treatment of 55 patients using balneological, mud, and physiotherapeutic procedures are presented. The effectiveness of treatment was assessed by changes in the scales of the SF-36 questionnaire and the index of the total assessment of regulatory systems. In the study group, there was a pronounced positive dynamic of indicators with their values ??at the beginning of treatment and the indicators of the comparison group. It is concluded that complex health - resort treatment’s effectiveness significantly increases when combined with individual and group psychotherapy. The positive results of psychotherapy are most manifested in the improvement of role functioning due to patients’ physical and emotional state.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):72-75
pages 72-75 views

The use of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation of the pelvic organs in complex spa treatment

Neburchilov V., Nigmatulin I., Karaptan G., Bakhareva M.


The experience of using the method of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation of the neuromuscular apparatus of the pelvic floor using the «Avantron» apparatus in the treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs is described. Since 2015, the health - resort has treated 25 men with chronic prostatitis, 17 women with chronic pain syndrome, 18 constipated patients, two patients after prostate surgery. Achieved improvement in the work of the pelvic organs and the function of the excretory system, reducing pain. This method in complex health - resort treatment allows us to expand the range of physiotherapeutic procedures for more effective treatment and prevention of diseases of the pelvic organs.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):75-76
pages 75-76 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):76
pages 76 views

Medical assistance and front - line life during the Civil War in Russia on the footage of the American newsreel of 1918-1920

Belgorodskaya L., Drozdov N., Vonog E.


The study was carried out within the framework of an interdisciplinary area called «military - historical anthropology». The research object was the study of the «human experience» of the Civil War in Russia. The paper presents a source study analysis of the two - hour silent newsreel «Allied Expeditionary Forces in Siberia» («Allied Expeditionary Forces in Siberia», 1918-1920), posted on the Internet by the US National Archives in 2014. Newsreel is analyzed for the first time in the context of identifying places and the time of filming, establishing the characteristics of medical and sanitary support and front - line daily life of soldiers of the invaders’ armies, as well as representatives of the «red» and «white» movements. The visual images of hospitals in Tyumen, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, and the nature of the American Red Cross activities in the East of Russia were studied. Graphical illustrations of front - line life and daily practices of organizing medical care for the wounded, refugees, and residents have been investigated.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):77-82
pages 77-82 views

The historian of the military medicine (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor M.K.Kuzmin)

Kuzybaeva M.


The main milestones in the biography of the famous historian of medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.K.Kuzmin (1920-2010), his contribution to studying the problems of the history of military medicine are noted. Shown is his activity on preserving certificates of the work of medical personnel during the Great Patriotic War. The role of museum work in Russian museology is considered on the example of the creation of a permanent exhibition, «Medicine and Mercy in War».
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):82-85
pages 82-85 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):86-87
pages 86-87 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):88-91
pages 88-91 views

Combat stress in modern conditions: discussion within the framework of the ARMY-2020 forum program

Patsenko M., Cherkashin D.


In August 2020, within the ARMY-2020 International Military-Technical Forum framework, a round table «Combat Stress: A Modern View of the Problem» was held. The event was organized by the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry and the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):92-93
pages 92-93 views

Modern aspects of medicine assistance in military healthcare

Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Kononov V., Golubenko R., Kostenko N., Lebed R., Galeppo Y.


A brief report is presented on the Ilyinsky Readings, which took place in December 2020 at the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy in the format of an interuniversity interregional scientific conference. It was attended by professors and teachers of the Academy, specialists in the pharmaceutical profile of medical services of military districts and fleets, representatives of medical and pharmaceutical universities in Russia, specialists of the domestic pharmaceutical industry. The results of the conference will make it possible, in the future, to develop optimal management decisions aimed at improving and progressive development of the medical supply system for troops (forces).
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2021;342(2):93-96
pages 93-96 views
